Party!/dun dun DUUUUUN

Start from the beginning

"You should," Ohio said, popping out of nowhere.

"Ah! God, you scared me!" Australia exclaimed.

"I have a tendency to do that," Ohio said. The guests glanced at each other, but when they looked back at Ohio he seemingly wasn't there.

"Ohio, make sure the others know we're coming," America said, as if he was still in the room. In fact he was, but the guests couldn't quite figure out where he was. They got to the ballroom, and walked in to see the states just vibin.

"Ayyyyyyyyyyyy Ames here!!! And he brought a buncha white dudeeeesssss!!!!!" Arizona exclaimed.

"That is a distinction without a difference, regardless of color they are still five new dudes in our house," New York said.

"Oh I can't call someone WHITE anymore??? Sjws man," Arizona said, shaking his head. America sighed.

"Anyway... everyone! these are my friends New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and France... y'all already know Britain," America said.

"Hello! We'll take your coats," Minnesota said, duplicating. They took their coats, and put it on a nearby coatrack while Pennsylvania was offering the guests drinks. She was holding about twenty drinks in the air with her telekinesis, and some various liquor options in case they wanted it spiked.

"Ah, It's a bit warm," Australia said, but suddenly ice appeared in his drink. He looked over and saw Alaska nod at him. Suddenly, there was confetti.

"Hi!!!" Missouri exclaimed. They went on socializing and partying, but America was slightly concerned.

"New York? Where's New Jersey?" America asked. New York sighed.

"He's been missing for a while now... and we did a count of all of the furniture in the house, he doesn't seem to be hiding as furniture... unless he is and we miscounted...," New York said. America hummed in thought.

"That's odd... I hope he's alright...," America said.

"Yeah... Louis was even thinking about trying to connect to the ghost realm to find him... I hope we don't get to that point," New York said. America nodded, but suddenly noticed something.

"Not to undermine the whole 'New Jersey' situation but that is a beautiful necklace! Where'd you get it?" America asked. New York smiled, slightly blushing.

"Oh... just a gift from someone...," New York said. America smiled.

"Who?" America asked, curious as to why New York was blushing.

"Oh... um... I'm not sure... my secret admirer," New York said. America laughed.

"Aww that's so cute!! Who do you think it is?" America asked. New York shrugged.

"I'm not sure... but he always leaves me these notes," New York said, taking a few out. America smiled at them, but then noticed something.

"This one... it's handwriting is a bit different, don't you think?" America asked. New York compared the first note to the latest one, and realized he was right.

"And hold on... this handwriting is familiar... Delaware! Can you just write your name on this?" America asked, taking a small notebook and pen out of his pocket. Delaware walked over to them and wrote his name on the notebook. They compared the handwriting to the first letter...

"Delaware... you left the notes?" New York asked.

"Don't get the wrong idea, New Jersey had me write them for him... at least, he did before he disappeared," Delaware said.

"But he's still leaving these notes! Who's writing them now?" New York exclaimed.

"I assume it's him... I mean, nobody knows where he is so it's not like he's asking any favors... let's find his handwriting and see if it lines up!" America said. And so, they decided to go through New Jersey's room, which looked almost like a prop storage area that is also livable.

"Look! A To-do list from years ago that he probably never looked at after he wrote it!" Delaware said. They compared that to the most recent note...

A 100% match.

"New Jersey?! Dammit, that means he was just humoring me this whole time?! Where the hell is he though? Why is he hiding?" New York exclaimed.

Suddenly, they heard a scream. They rushed back to the ballroom, but were relieved to see Massachusetts on fire.

"Don't worry guys, I'm chill," Massachusetts said, putting himself out. The guests, realizing he was ok, sighed a breath of relief and laughed it off with the rest of the states.

"Your friends are amazing, I'm surprised you hadn't invited us sooner!" Canada exclaimed.

"We'd love to have y'all over more often! Lord knows it's nice to have some fresh faces 'round here!" Texas exclaimed. Florida just made a happy lil gator noise and hugged his new bestie Australia.

But off in the distance, someone watched through a window.

"More magical beings...? We can't have that...,"

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