I'm in my schools room for panicking

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I am literally so fucking hungry I could pass out I'm starving the one meal a day thing is starting to toll on me fuck fuck fuck fuck.


anyways. your pov.


🌈Hey! Techno DMed me on Twitter! I get to attend ^^


🌈I don't think that's how grammar works 🕺

🐧 ;-; well. uh.

🌈you should...


🌈 yasss-ify  techno.

🐧 what 💀

🌈 it's a gay marriage 🙄

🐧 I'm not going to yasss-ify a already yasss-ifyed man.


🐧 🕺 gotta get in the world, see you in half an hour

🌈 bye! ^^

I close discord and then lay down on my bed. I let out a huge sigh and get over to my computer.

I open discord on my computer instead and join the server techno made jsut for this.

I join vc, Fundy is there but he's deafend. and  Techno is there waiting for me patently.

"Hello Techno!"

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