"Why not??! You said you would do whatever I want. You need to compensate me for not coming to see me! And this is what I want! I want you to have a sleepover with me!!!!"

It's been an hour since Jinsu and I had been having this conversation outside the main entrance of her house.

She refuses to let me go, and I refuse to stay. Not because it would be a problem to have a sleepover with her. I'd love to. But, how am I supposed to stay over knowing that she is a woman and I am a man? That will surely cause her trouble with her overprotective parents.

I tried to reason with her, and I even called my brother for advice.

However, Jinsu took my phone and started to talk with Changbin hyung.

They talked for nearly twenty minutes, and at the end, she passed me the phone just to confirm that my brother had agreed with her.

"What? Hyung! How can you say it is alright?!"

"Honey bun, it's okay. You can have a sleepover with her. I don't see anything bad about it..."

"Changbin hyung! How can you be on her side? You don't even know her!!"

My brother chuckled and said, "well, she has a point. You promised to do whatever she wants, and she wants a sleepover. A promise is a promise, isn't it? Aren't you a man of a word, honey bun? Hahaha... Besides, she sounds nice, and you are a good boy, also a gentleman. I don't see why you are so worked up..."

I sighed tiredly. It was two against one. The more I tried to reason with both of them, the more they attacked me with a round of more reasons.

With Jinsu whining and Changbin hyung putting on convincing words, I felt a headache, so in the end, I agreed.

"Okay, hyung...if you say it is okay, I'll stay, then..."

"That's my boy." He said way too happily. "Take this opportunity to meet someone with high spirits and get rid of any bad thoughts you could have for hanging out with the wrong people. Call me if you need anything. I love you."

"I will, hyung. Thank you, and I love you more..."

After ending my conversation with Changbin hyung, I hung up the call and stared at my phone with a soft expression. My brother has probably liked the idea of me getting a new friend since he has been seeing me quite silent the past months.

In fact, it's been a while since I hung out with someone at all. I had no interest in humans, not even in my friends or anyone besides him. The only times I hung out with someone was when Hyun-su called me. This is the person my brother was referring to. He knew we were no longer boyfriends, but he also knew that we occasionally saw each other.

"Ji..." Jinsu came in my direction and pouted at me, taking me out of my train of thoughts, "do you really hate the idea of sleeping with me? I thought we were friends to have that confidence. I guess I was wrong..."

Seeing her so concerned made my heart hurt. Jinsu has been taking a lot of trouble for me, and here I just happen to refuse her, making her feel unimportant.

So, I changed my worried expression for a smile. I approached her and cupped her cheeks.

"Don't be silly. Of course, I don't hate the idea of staying with you. We are friends, and we have confidence. Don't doubt that. The thing is that I worry you could get in trouble with your parents. I know they don't want their little girl to be with a man alone in their house. The least I want is to cause you trouble by staying here. You are a woman, and I am a man-"

She humphed as she crossed her arms, "I live here alone, remember? They are never in the country, so I take care of myself. I never ask them permission for anything I want to do. Besides, I'm responsible for myself, and now I know what's good and what's bad for me. I don't care what they say. Why a man and a woman can't have sleepovers? It's not like I am going to eat you, right? I mean- I wouldn't mind and- and if you want to eat me, I wouldn't mind either-"

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