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Her black hair dripped down her back, her skin was touched by the God of Sun, her physical beauty was so enchanting that you couldn't help but stare at her in awe. Many God's had blessed the woman when she ascended. Aphrodite had blessed her with everlasting beauty, for mortals below her would look at her in astonishment. Ares had gifted her with the wit and skill in war, so she would forever be protected and unharmed. Athena had awarded her with intelligence so she would always lead with good judgement and integrity. Even Artemis had awarded her with the gift of nature, for she may always be fruitful. She had everything that any God could ever want. 

However, there was this emptiness inside her. It wasn't enough. The purity of the gifts that she had been blessed with were tarnished. For she choose to use them in a way that would affect not only the God's she co-habituated with but her choices caused a ripple affect amongst the mortals. Her heart was touched by darkness, envy and jealously. For even though her husband saw her as a worthy partner, she watched on as the man she loved pine after another woman. 

For she was petty, she could not handle that her husband had loved another, she could not watch as he played families with the bastard child that came before her. Her husband was humble in that he loved his childhood sweetheart from afar, for he acted selflessly by sacrificing his love for her. He allowed her to be with her true love. 

She watched for millenniums as her husband doted on his bastard daughter Pandora. No matter how many children she birthed for her husband, he loved his first born more than anyone. He managed to stay by the side of his love and her husband as they parented the young child. Her blood would boil with rage, her heart grew with envy and jealously. 

The darkness manifested inside her and it was then that she poisoned little Pandora to a human, banishing her from the realm of the God's. As her husband and his sweetheart mourned the loss of their daughter with a stream of endless tears. She watched on with a smirk on her face, for she had separated the family. She could only hope that her husband would love her child just as much. 

That never happened though, she watched on as her husband and his sweetheart watched their child from above. Both blessed her with gifts that would allow her to live amongst the humans as a God. She would stand in the background watching in bitterness as little Pandora thrived, she became loved by all. Her mother had blessed her family with a gift that would be passed down through the generations of her bloodline. 

Pandora grew up with beauty and poise that was applauded by all, she had many children who grew up with stories of the God's above. The God's of Olympus were so humbled by young Pandora's actions that they secretly passed on traits through blessings to her family. The world grew to worship them above. When she found out about the God's gifts, she was irritated. She found that their blessings to her were no longer something to be treasured. For they had bestowed her husband's bastard with her gifts. Her hatred for the child grew more and more. It was then that she decided to plot against the child who stole the love that rightfully belonged to her.  

She sought out Hades and whispered lies and tales in his ear, it caused the rift between him and his brother. He wanted to cause his brother pain and plotted with the Queen of God's, for he wanted revenge, he wanted to his brother broken and torn. He released a power so evil, that the love the humans once had for Pandora soon turned to hatred and fear. They were scared of her power, for Hades had whispered into the ears of the humans that she was the cause for the pain and famine that had fallen on earth. 

However, Pandora was smart and clever. She saw through the veil of the God's. She couldn't understand who she had displeased above that caused them to seek vengeance against her family. Pandora was worried for the family she created, for they were celestial beings known as wolves. Once they were protected and cherished, they were now being hunted. 

Selene watched on as her daughter faced trials and tribulations that no child should face. She wanted to help her daughter, she begged her childhood lover to do something but he couldn't. Her husband who couldn't watch on as his wife suffered gave her the ultimate sacrifice of love. He went into an eternal slumber which gave Selene the power to create a box powerful enough to help her daughter. 

Selene sent Pandora the box and begged her to not let her husband's sacrifice be in pain. It was then that Pandora took the box and opened it. The evil that Hades had unleashed on the earth slowly started to dissipate. The black fog was being sucked into the ancient artefact. Pandora then decided to make the ultimate sacrifice for the family she had created. 

She took her box and buried herself in the ancient ruins, trapping herself, leaving nothing but a letter to her descendants. It was a warning to protect the grounds with all cost, for if the box fell into the wrong hands there would be unimaginable consequences. Pandora laid in the cave and plunged a knife into her chest as she tightly held the box. Her tears and blood pooled around her and formed a deadly pond that would protect the artefact that would see to the end of the werewolves. 

The day that Pandora died, her mother and father wept. Although she was happy, she was unsatisfied that her bloodline still strong. It was that day that she stepped on the earth and approached those who were in envy of the strong descendants of Pandora. She gave them the knowledge and power that would eventually see their demise.

She didn't care how long it took. 

She didn't care how it happened. 

Hera knew that she would see the day that Selene's bloodline finished. 

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