Vol. 3: Chapter 7.1 - Resolve to Protect

Start from the beginning

"You guys seem to be doing pretty well," I said.

"Ahaha, I guess so. It was all thanks to my classmates' efforts. It was really hard at first, but we made it work somehow," she replied with a smile.

"Horikita, can you discuss our class's point usage with Kanzaki?" I asked, before turning towards the other four. "You guys should listen in, as well. In the meantime, I'll discuss some things with Ichinose regarding the other classes."

They didn't seem surprised by my instructions. A small conclave between two leaders shouldn't be out of the ordinary.

"Is that okay with you, Ichinose?" I asked.

"Oh, sure," she nodded before calling out to some of her classmates. "Kanzaki-kun, Yume-chan, Sayo-chan! Can I ask you to guide Horikita-san and her friends around the camp?"

The three seemed to be helping some students with setting up a new bonfire pit. I guess their roles are independent like Hirata, Horikita, or me.

"Sure thing, Ichinose," Kanzaki agreed without any complaints.

"Ah, isn't that Ayanokouji-kun? Hey there!" Andou smilingly waved at me. Of course, I responded in kind, albeit without the smile. I didn't see Minamikata or Amikura with her so they must be doing their tasks elsewhere.

"I'll be counting on you guys to report what you've learned. Horikita, don't leave out any details. Tell them everything we've done thus far." Of course, we'd omit the part where we reveal our assigned leader.

"I understand. Leave it to me," she nodded.

As they walked into the main area of the campsite, Ichinose and I proceeded towards the forest.

"It's been a while."

"Yeah, I haven't talked to you since before the finals," I replied.

"We chat online pretty frequently, though," she chuckled.

"Ah, you're right."

Our friendly exchange set up a nice and informal atmosphere.

"You guys popped out from an unexpected part of the forest. Let me guess; you came from the beach, didn't you?" she asked with a grin.

"Yeah, specifically, from Ryuuen's camp."

"Ahh, I thought so. They're pretty crazy, aren't they?"

The two of us approached an outlying hammock suspended between two trees.

"This place is out of the camp. Why are there a couple of hammocks set up?" I asked.

"Yonezu-kun and Shibata-kun are staying here. They said something about guarding this pathway against possible intruders," she replied.

To be honest, this is a nice place to stand guard. The atmosphere isn't too hot, and the trees are easy to climb. And apart from people, they must also be wary of animals.

"Wanna sit?" she offered.

"I'm fine."

"Alright then."

After I declined, Ichinose decided to sit on Yonezu's hammock herself.

After I declined, Ichinose decided to sit on Yonezu's hammock herself

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