Chapter 26: Ending

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Long Chapter ahead!!

"Zhan! Come here!"

A voice shouted away from a distance calling Xiao Zhan who was busy playing with Wei and Lan in his hands. "You, can you stay still? Just for today! Please!" Jiang Cheng complained as he chased Xiao Zhan around the house.

"You have to get ready for fuck's sake!" Jiang Cheng turned red due to anger and this now caught Zhan's whole attention. Instead of going to Jiang Cheng, finally surrendering himself he ran like a prisoner who just escaped from the prison and Jiang Cheng the policeman who's very committed to his job.

"Aiyo! Cheng, just stay still, I will go near you if you won't hit me with that make-up brush in your hand," Zhan exclaimed as he ran fast with the two bunnies bouncing up and down from his grasps. Zhan who noticed the continuous movements from the bunnies laughed, "sorry bunnies but I have to run away from that man who's crazy about my schedule as if he's my manager," Zhan apologized to the bunnies who had no reaction plastered on their cute little faces.

"Cheng Cheng...I'm getting tired no so please stay still-" Zhan wasn't able to finish his sentence when he felt that something clashed on his head. Upon feeling the pain, he stopped and looked down, only to see that it was the brush that Jiang Cheng was holding earlier. Due to the anger that Jiang Cheng had on Xiao Zhan, he threw the brush and it landed perfectly on his head. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng huffed with satisfaction visible on his face.

"Ha! That's what you get!" Jiang Cheng celebrated but was cut off when he felt something pulling him on the ear. "Ahh ahh!" Jiang Cheng could immediately tell who it was from the person who was gripping his ear, tightly. It was his one and only Jie, Jiang Yanli.

"Jie, Jie! Let go! It hurts!" Jiang Cheng tried to slap the older's hands away from him but it was to no avail because Yanli was adamant about giving this punishment to Jiang Cheng who did nothing but bother Xiao Zhan for the past few days.

"No, I will not. No one can persuade me if it's not..." Yanli was cut off when Zhan called out.

"Oh! It's Jin Zixuan!" when Yanli heard the name, she immediately released her tight grip on Jiang Cheng's ear, releasing him completely. When Yanli turned back, she saw no Jin Zixuan but only a tree standing behind her. Knowing that she was played by both Jiang Cheng and Xiao Zhan made her fumed In anger. 

"You two!!!" Jiang Yanli shouted as she continued to chase the two around the house.


"Cheng," Xiao Zhan called to the person running beside him. "Hm?" Jiang Cheng answered and hearing that Cheng answered him made his brain think about teasing him about his love life. "So...when are you going to say yes to that Lan Xichen?" Jiang Cheng immediately stopped in his tracks and Zhan who noticed this also stopped and walked to where Cheng is standing.

Jiang Cheng wanted to slap himself for not telling Zhan about his love life. He wanted to tell him since he considered Xiao Zhan as his best friend but at the same time, he doesn't since he's quite sure that Zhan will tease him until God knows when. But hearing this question made him give up about hiding it anymore and decided to just spill it all to Xiao Zhan.

"About that..." Zhan's eyes sparkled as he listened intently at Jiang Cheng's words, "...we got together a year ago," Cheng scratched the back of his head whilst Zhan's mouth opened due to shock.

"WHAT?" he exclaimed but then turned his back away from Jiang Cheng when he realized that Cheng kept this hidden from him for a month. He was anticipating this, after all, he wanted to be the first person to know that Jiang Cheng is now a taken man and he wanted to tease the hell out of him but..."forget it, I'm not worth the person you share your secrets with," he mumbled sadly as he walked away from the man who was now regretting why he did not tell Zhan sooner.

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