Chapter 2

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It was already time for Xiao Zhan to depart from their company to the destination where they shoot the program. As Xiao Zhan arrived at the area, he stepped out and as usual, fans are there waiting for him to step out and handing him their prepared gifts which Xiao Zhan accepted without any bad talk or actions. He's not a heartless person after all, and that charm of him made people stan and love him.

"Xiao Zhan!! Marry me!!" one of the fans screamed and Zhan looked at the girl and said, "I still don't have plans, sweetie," he said while smiling which made the fan faint due to the interaction she just had with his favourite actor.

"Xiao Zhan, here!" each fan screamed as they fight their way to the front which is near Zhan for them to hand their prepared gifts. Zhan smiled at them while collecting the gifts and he pinned to his mind to post on his social media about the gifts he just received from his lovable fans.

After the 'mini fanmeet' Zhan decided to go inside and went to the dressing room to get his hairstyle and make-up done. "Wow Zhan, you really are a good person," said Wen Qing while Xiao Zhan just pouted at the woman's reaction.

"How can you say that Wen Qing, it's been a year since we worked together and have you ever seen me displaying a bad attitude towards people?"

Wen Qing shook her head as she knew that Zhan is indeed a good person to the point where his goodness can make people take advantage of him but Wen Qing promised to herself that she'll protect her precious Xiao Zhan from the devils of the world.

"I was just teasing you," said Wen Qing and made Xiao Zhan sigh. "Of course you are," said Xiao Zhan and made the stylist chuckle at his remark and in return, Zhan also smiled at the stylist that's currently doing his hair before his make-up.

'Xiao Zhan is indeed a good person,' blurted the stylist in her mind. She rarely meets an actor that would respect her as a stylist as others would look up at themselves and degrade these hardworking stylists that are doing their best to make their appearance good on TV.

After Zhan's make-over, he thanked the artist for the hard work she did and the artist just smiled and also bowed before cleaning the little mess she made up.

"Zhan, it's almost time. You have to get ready," reported Wen Qing that peeked out from the door. Xiao Zhan nodded and walked outside and guided himself to where the other actor are currently at.

When he arrived, other actors smiled in happiness when they saw their precious co-actor. "Xiao Zhan!" almost all of them cheered at the entrance made by Xiao Zhan. "Hey, guys!" Zhan greeted them cheerfully before standing next to them and engaging in a conversation just to pass time as the crew were still busy setting up the stage.

"How are you all?" Zhan initiated the conversation and others would reply 'fine' or 'tiring' or 'busy' and other things.

"What about you Zhan?" asked Ji Li who was at his side. Zhan looked at the man beside him and answered truthfully, "since there are no projects for me yet, I plan to continue my work as an artist," said Zhan and others cheered for him. Some even said that they'll buy Xiao Zhan's work as they were sure that all his works were magnificent, like him. Zhan denied and kept saying that his works are just all like other painters until a particular person decided to butt in.

"Ey, that's not true at all. If you had just seen Zhan's painting I bought for Y—I-I bought then you'll be surprised at how good it really is," Haoxuan said making all actors finalize their plan to buy one of Xiao Zhan's works.

"I'll go have a stroll at their gallery later," one of the actors blurted.

"Yes, also me too," and so many of the actors were planning to visit where Zhan's gallery is located and planned to participate at the auction to buy Zhan's works.

This thought made Zhan shake his head. 'If this continues then I'm really sure that I won't be sleeping for the following days.'

"All right, actors! Go on position!" shouted the director he grabbed all the attention. The actors proceeded to where they are placed with the crew guiding them.


The interview then started with the host asking each actor how their career is doing and some actors found this as an opportunity to promote their new drama, shows or movies to the audience until the MC turned to Xiao Zhan who wasn't paying any attention at all as he was looking for a particular person on the set.

"Xiao Zhan, I heard that your song along with another actor is getting nominated as Song of the Year, how do you feel about this?" asked the MC which made Xiao Zhan shut his mouth in shock.

He looked at Wen Qing who slapped herself as she forgot to inform Zhan that he'll be attending a Gala tomorrow because of their song being nominated as the Song of the Year. She was in a panic because she didn't expect that the MC will bring this topic to their interview. 'Zhan is now doomed!' screamed Wen Qing in her mind but she just underestimated Xiao Zhan.

"A-Ah," Zhan stuttered as he looked at Wen Qing who's doing some hand signs to just go with the flow. The crew can't cut this off because this show is Live and many audiences are now watching them.

"Oh, y-yes, I am happy and always thankful for the fans who supported and nominated our song as Song of the Year. I just want to remind you all that without your love and support, We all..." Zhan motioned at him and the people on his side, "...wouldn't be here," he said before ending his answer with his usual smile.

"What a heartwarming answer Xiao Zhan, I, too am also touched because I was one of the people who nominated your song to win this title," said the MC and Xiao Zhan gave him a smile which melted his heart.

'Really, this person's smile can brighten up someone's mood!' said the MC in his mind ad he smiled while looking at Xiao Zhan.

"Ehem," he shook himself out of the thought and continued to read the script.

"As you can all see folks. There is one cast missing and that is Wang Yibo, sadly due to his tight schedule, he won't be able to join us today but we will hopefully soon!" informed the MC and that made Zhan know the reason why the younger wasn't with them.

And with that piece of information, the show continued and lots of laughs were heard throughout the set until it ended.


"Zhan, I'm really sorry. I didn't think that it was part of the script," Wen Qing apologized to Zhan who was walking in front of her. Xiao Zhan turned and faced Wen Qing, "why are you saying sorry Qing? I didn't blame you at all and also, don't worry because it's already resolved now," comforted Zhan and made Qing realize that Xiao Zhan really is a rare gem to find. She was glad that Zhan decided to work under her care.

"All right! I'll never repeat it again," promised Wen Qing and made Zhan shake his head chuckling at the sight of the determined woman.



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