Chapter 6

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Zhan is now laying on his bed, scrolling through Waibo to know some updates about social media when he remembered what Wen Qing said earlier. "Shoot, I forgot to call Director Xiu," without wasting any time, Zhan dialled director Xiu's number.


"Director Xiu!" Zhan greeted.

"ZhanZhan! So...have you thought about it?" Xiao Zhan was puzzled to hear what the director was referring to.

"Uh, sorry?" Xiao Zhan can hear the other side sighing.

"Did you think about my offer to take you as the main lead of my upcoming movie?" Zhan was shocked to hear this. He had no idea at all, why did Wen Qing not tell him about this matter?

"Did my manager know about this matter?" Zhan asked while walking himself to the balcony, admiring the city lights present at night.

"Yup, I've informed her and she said that I should wait for your decision since it's not her place to do so," Zhan nodded when he knew the reason why Wen Qing didn't mention this at all. It was because he was sleeping at that time and when he woke up, Wen Qing was buried with her paperwork hence, she had no time to tell Zhan about the details making Zhan call Director Xiu herself.

"Uhm, can you tell me the details?" Zhan asked politely and the other line quickly answered, "of course! Anything for ZhanZhan."

"So what time will you be available Director Xiu?" asked Zhan as he looked through his schedule to check what day he'll be free.

"That's not up for me to decide ZhanZhan, you know that I'm the one always adjusting for my artists and not the other way around," explained Director Xiu which made Zhan super thankful towards her because she understood how busy Zhan's schedule is for the entire day tomorrow and on the next day.

"Thank you so much, Director Xiu, I'll text you what day and time we'll be meeting...and as for the place, that's up to you," said Zhan and Xiu Shang also thanked him for giving her a call.

After their conversation Zhan laid on his bed with Wei and Lan on his side, obviously cuddling, leaving him out of it which totally made him pout. "How can you two be so mean, you two are cuddling and leaving me behind. Have pity to your owner and let him enter too," Zhan tried to scoot near the two bunnies but Lan covered little Wei, making him the victim of Zhan's palms. Zhan grabbed the bunny and he expected it to be Wei but it turned out that it was Lan that he grabbed. When Wei noticed the empty space beside him, he looked left and right only to see Lan in Zhan's palms. He hopped his way into Zhan's palms and scooted inside so that he can be with Lan once again.

"Aww, Wei still loves me!" Zhan cooed, taking the idea the other way around.

"Sleep tight bunnies," he hid them goodnight before drifting into his own dreamland.


Morning came and Zhan was awoken by a loud voice coming downstairs. He hurriedly climbed down only to see Suzhen screaming at the top of her lungs when she saw a cockroach. Zhan sighed at the woman, pitying her. How can a woman be scared of such a small insect?

Zhan made his way to the kitchen and took off his slipper before smashing the bug on the floor leaving its smashed body on Zhan's slipper while its residue on the floor. Looking at the sight, Suzhen shrieked and hid behind Zhan screaming, "clean it off!" repeatedly.

"Alright, just wait. Let me get the cleaning materials first," Zhan said before making his way to where the cleaning materials were stored. "Is that it?" Zhan was shocked when Suzhen suddenly talked behind him. He never notice her, that's why he was shocked.

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