Chapter 10

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Zhan was in chaos thinking about the possibilities of where Lan was taken to. He didn't even notice how Suzhen disappeared only to come back with a piece of paper in her hands. "What kind of a person would abduct something and leave a paper behind saying 'sorry'?" Suzhen asked, confused while reading the piece of paper in her hands.

Zhan who heard Suzhen's talks immediately went near the girl to watch what this piece of paper contains. "I took Lan, if you want him back then come and get me...sincerely, Haoxuan," Zhan read aloud and face palmed himself. He was worried to the extent of even diving through the waters in case Lan was in there, he was determined to find Lan wherever he is.

"Damn you, Haoxuan," Zhan cursed and grabbed his phone, only to dial the other.

"Hello?" replied a groggy voice.

"What are you doing?" Zhan asked while his hand on his hips and foot continuously tapping on the floor because of his anxiety. He effin knows that Haoxuan doesn't know how to take care of animals. Heck! He can't even take care of himself. Even Jiyang does that!

"Sleeping and you woke me up,"

"Where'a Lan?" Zhan did not waste time and went straight to the topic.

"Who's Lan?" asked Haoxuan who was in a state of confusion.

"The bunny you took from my apartment," Zhan said in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh, Yibo took him,"

"W-What?" Zhan who didn't believe what Haoxuan said asked him back.

"Yibo made a request for me to take his bunny from your apartment and give it back to him...end of the topic now let me sleep," Haoxuan explained before he ended the call and left Xiao Zhan hanging while countless of thoughts made their way to his mind.

"So what happened?" Suzhen asked but Zhan was too occupied to answer the other's question.

'What if Yibo made this as a sign for their friendship to end?'

'What if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore?'

Countless of What if questions were generated in Xiao Zhan's mind.

"Zhan!" Suzhen screamed just to get the man's attention. "W-What?" Zhan was pulled out of his thoughts, he looked at Suzhen and asked her. "What did the man who took Lan say?" Suzhen asked, worried. She, also was attached to Lan as Zhan was attached to Wei. She loved and took care of the both when Zhan was not here so it's totally normal for her to be worried about the well being of the creature.

Suzhen was waiting for Xiao Zhan's answer when she saw Zhan's look, he was sad so it made her more worried. "Zhan," she shook Zhan's shoulders only to look at Xiao Zhan crying.

"Z-Zhen," he hugged her. "Shhh, it's fine," things were now out of hand as Suzhen had thought that something happened to Lan while Zhan was thinking that Yibo was cutting their friendship. "May Lan rest in peace."

Zhan who heard this went to face Suzhen who was also facing to him. "What do you mean?" Zhan asked, "what happened? Who died?" Zhan asked continuously.

"Didn't something happen to Lan?" Suzhen asked and Zhan shook his head. This action made Suzhen confused, 'then why did he cry?'

"Then why did you cry?" Suzhen voiced out and then he realized that Xiao Zhan was overthinking. How can Suzhen not know her boyfriend? She has been with him since they were children  and she was with him when that incident happened and so on.

"What are you overthinking this time?" she ruffled Zhan's hair slowly, only to earn a grumble from the man. 'He's like a child,' quoted Suzhen.

"Nothing," Zhan replied and this made Suzhen more curious as to why he's overthinking. Is it related to Lan or other things?

As much as how Suzhen wanted to know, she decided to not force Zhan because it might lead to a quarrel and she doesn't want that. She's just taking care of this man and would return him when the right time comes. "Alright crybaby, go sleep now, I'll not ask you questions but I do appreciate the gesture of you sleeping since you've been working hard," Suzhen patted Xiao Zhan's back and guided him to his room.

After putting Zhan to sleep, Suzhen found herself leaning at Zham's bedroom thinking deeply about something before deciding to call that person.


Morning now came and Zhan's eyes were puffy because of crying from overthinking so much about Lan's disappearance. It was as if Wei felt him because the bunny also was down since Lan left the apartment. "Xiao Wei, come here," Zhan cooed the bunny but was only ignored by the bunny.

"Xiao Wei," Zhan whined but was still ignored by the bunny. Thankfully, Zhan knew how to get the bunny's attention, "Lan! Come here!" in a split second, the bunny hopped its way towards Xiao Zhan. Yes, the only thing that can get the little bunny's attention when almost nothing works is Lan. The mention of Lan's name can turn Wei's world upside down, from sick to healthy, from sad to happy and such.

"Gotcha you little bunny..." Zhan grabbed Wei and never let go of it, " can you love Lan than you owner," Zhan complained but was only kicked slightly by Wei. "Ah, you bad bad bunny," Zhan cuddled Wei a little bit more tighter and this made Zhan's day better.


Yibo also woke up with a bunny sternly staring at him with its eyes as if it was ready to kill him. Yibo groaned and picked up the bunny and cradled it to his arms, this made the bunny close its eyes a bit since it did not get sleep last night, at all. Lan was missing Wei as Wei was missing Lan, both of them missed each other and can't seem to rest at peace when they are apart from each other.

"Ate you usually this clingy?" Yibo asked the bunny who snuggled to him, with its eyes closed tight. He did not expect to bunny to give him an answer but he really wanted to talk to someone, to vent out everything, his feelings, his rants, his happiness, his sadness and others.

Yibo sighed and arranged his hair with the bunny in his other hand. He wanted to put the bunny unto his bed for it to properly sleep but it seems Lan doesn't want him to. "How can I do things if you won't even let me put you on the bed?" Yibo complained but still held the bunny tight in his arms. Just watching the sight makes you say 'cute'. With Wang Yibo holding something tiny and cute is something that's rare, if his fangirls see this then they would be willing to give up everything in their possessions just to get a snap of the scene.

It wasn't long until Yibo's phone rang. He stood and picked it up while Lan slept on his arm.

"Hello?" he formally greeted as it was his manager who called.

"Yibo, come to the entertainment immediately," before Yibo could even answer, his manager dropped the call making Yibo look at it with confusion. But hearing his manager's serious tone he took it seriously. He put Lan on his bed even if the bunny doesn't want to and hurriedly took a shower before leaving his apartment with a question lingering on his mind.

"Just what did happen?"

Not Edited


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