Chapter 19

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Zhan breathed in the air Luoyang provided for him as he stepped out from the plane, somewhat calmer but is still tense about what's going to happen if he sees Yibo once again.

Getting out of the airport was easy but instructing the driver the address of where he's going is hard. He totally forgot to ask Haoxuan about where Yibo is right now. "Uhh, sir, please wait a minute, I'll just call my friend," he apologized to the driver who assured him that it's fine and that he'll wait.

"Hello Xuan?"

"Oh, have you already reconciled with Yibo?"


"Then call me back if you already did—" Haoxuan was about to end the call  when Zhan butted in.

"How can I reconcile with him if I don't even know where he lives!" Zhan exclaimed, shocking the driver in front. He just smiled apologetically before putting his whole focus back in the phone call.

Haoxuan was quiet on the other line so Zhan thought that maybe the man realized where he was wrong, "oh yeah...don't worry, I'll text you Yibo's address right now...and...done," just in time Zhan's phone buzzed indicating that a message has been sent.

"Alright Xuan, thanks, I'll call you when I have the time," Zhan bid goodbye to his friend and ended the call. Opening the message that Haoxuan sent him, he told the driver the address and then the car engine turned on and they went off.


Seconds that turned into minutes and minutes that turned into hours, they finally arrived at the address that Haoxuan sent him. "Here we are sir," said the driver and Zhan took out his money and gave it to the driver, "sir you change—"

"No need for you to give me the change, thank you for dropping me off safely," Zhan said and bid goodbye to the driver who was continuously smiling at the big tip that Xiao Zhan handed him.


Zhan was now standing in front of the huge gate that seemed to block his vision. He pushed the doorbell one time and no response, two times, still no response, four time and so on. Until the eighth time, someone finally opened the gate and oh how Zhan felt the relief of someone opening the door for him.

"Who...?" the old lady who opened the gate for Zhan asked. Seeing that an unfamiliar person opened up for him made him shy and because of his shyness, he flashed an awkward smile to the old lady and introduced himself, "hello, I'm Xiao Zhan—"

"Xiao in that Arts Company ambassador Xiao Zhan?" the old lady squealed making Zhan startled. He never expected this to happen.

"A-Ah y-yes," Zhan scratched his head displaying the sign that he's a little bit uncomfortable at the change of the mood. "Oh...I'm a big fan of yours but setting that aside, why are you here?" the old lady asked, totally different at the attitude he showed towards Zhan earlier, from being wary to welcoming.

"Oh yes...I'm here for Yibo, Wang Yibo," he said and the old lady seemed to be taken back by what Zhan said.

"Are you perhaps—A'Bo isn't here right now," said the old woman.

"The can I ask where he is right now?" asked Zhan.

"He's at his parents' house, A'Bo came here when he arrived at Luoyang days ago and then went to his parents' house. That kid hasn't visited his parents since ages!" the old woman said making Zhan chuckle at her tone and dialect.

"Is that so...then if I may ask again—"

"Aiya Zhan, don't be too polite to me...just call me grandma like you used to," the old woman said but only then realized that she slipped her tongue. Zhan who noticed this wanted to ask the old woman how she got to know him but he didn't had the chance to even utter a single sound. "'s his parents' address, you can find him there...I'm certain," she gave Zhan a piece of paper and then closed the gate, not even giving a chance to bid goodbye to the old woman.

"Huh," Zhan who seemed to be back in his state realized that he already had Yibo's current whereabouts. He opened the paper and read the address. On his way to where Yibo is, he asked countless of people and them guiding here towards Yibo's place.


He finally arrived and saw a lot of green present in the land, it was a farm a breathtaking one. He saw countless of animals there and children who were playing with each other spraying mud, dirt and water everywhere.

Zhan continued to walk and will ask some adults if he ever encountered one. It seems that the haven's were by his side when he saw a girl who was a little younger than him, wearing a jumper, a twin braid and a straw hat protecting her face from the sun. Smiling, he went to where the girl was and tapped her shoulder, "excuse me...can I ask?"

"You're already asking though," the girl replied, "but then...yes you can," continued the girl.

"Do you perhaps know where Wang Yibo is?" when the girl heard the man's name, she suddenly stood up with her face up high looking at Zhan.

"I don't know and who're you?" she asked, scanning Xiao Zhan from head to toe and vice versa.

'How do I say this?' Zhan scratched his head mentally.

"I'm his friend," Zhan claimed but the girl eyed him, even more suspicious about Zhan.

"But Yibo gege doesn't have any friends," the girl said making Zhan laugh a bit. "Why are you laughing huh?" the girl pouted angrily at Zhan. "You said you don't know who he is yet you're calling him gege," Zhan teased but only made the girl walk away from him.

Zhan stared at the girl's figure as it kept getting smaller but that's when he noticed that the girl turned her head back and called him, "are you coming or not?!" she shouted from a distance away from Zhan. Xiao Zhan who heard this question immediately smiled as he ran towards the girl and thanked her.

Compared to the house that Zhan had first visited, this house was five times bigger than the other. It made him question about how rich Yibo truly is. "We're here!" the girl who guided him exclaimed but it surprised Zhan how the girl was not in the gate in front of him but standing at the house beside it.

Zhan walked to where the girl was and saw a house that was smaller than the house beside it. But despite it's small size, Zhan could feel the homey vibes that the house emitted.

"Thank you little girl," he patted the girl's head but only earned a huff. "I'm not little, I'm 18 years old," said the girl while pouting.

'You are 18 but it seems that you attitude is like a 5 year old's' Zhan thought as he still patted the girl's head.

"Let go!" the girl squirmed her way out of Zhan's grip. When she escaped, she tidied her hair and crumpled clothes while glaring at the man who did nothing but smile at her. "If you're looking for Yibo gege then he's behind that house doing some farming stuff," the girl then walked away and Xiao Zhan shouted a 'thank you' for her but was only replied with a wave, not even facing him.

"That kid is sassy," he remarked.

Setting it all aside, he walked slowly and as he took each step, he could feel his heart jumping every time. "Oh come on Zhan, chill," he relaxed his heart but instead felt a feeling that something's not right. He did not mind it though because what matters for him is that he'll face Yibo, say that he's sorry and reconcile with him but when he walked behind the house, he saw something that he prayed that he shouldn't have... was Yibo kissing a girl.

Not Edited


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