Chapter 24

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"You WHAT?" Zhan exclaimed when Yibo told him about how he had planned it all, to act as if he had moved on from Zhan and got Rong'er to act as his lover. "How dare you drag a girl into this nonsense of yours!" Zhan screamed slightly punching him in the shoulder only to earn a whine from the younger. "Why are you hurting me? And why are you worried that I brought a girl into my plan?" Yibo asked, his voice getting higher. "Are you perhaps worried that the girl involved is harmed?... Is that what you're worried Zhan-ge---"

"No, you silly! I was worried that you might fall for her! I've read my novels and seen many dramas regarding issues like this, where the man finds a girl to act as his lover in front of someone just to make them jealous but ended up falling in love with them!" Zhan confessed and this took Yibo by surprise. He never expected that Zhan had been overthinking trivial things like this but still he was thankful that Zhan was worried about him but a part of him wished that Zhan should have more trust in him.

"Awww love, you're worried about me," Yibo whined and hugged Xiao Zhan tightly and Zhan in response just hugged Yibo back and assuring him again, "don't worry love, I trust you...I was just toying with you because I knew that you'll not be able to cheat on me."

Yibo who heard this just looked up at the sky and thanked the heavens for how lucky he is in his love life. "I'm really lucky I had you, love!" exclaimed Yibo but Zhan just slapped his back and declared, "no I am because I got to keep a man so loyal like you!" Zhan truly meant every word he said because he hadn't met a man like Yibo who could wait for a person for years. Maybe Yibo is the only one in the world that God had bestowed on him.

"I love you Yibo," Zhan confessed and gave Yibo a peck at the cheeks and Yibo seemed to be stunned by this so he looked at Zhan whose eyes are full of love, "me too, Zhan-ge...I love you," Yibo said back and kissed Zhan fully on the lips before separating.

"Let's go home shall we?" asked Yibo as he reached out his hand for Zhan who gladly took it. And with that, the two went home holding hands.


"Is it ready?" Yanli asked as she entered the kitchen and there she saw Yilan and Rong'er doing their assigned tasks just how Yanli asked them to do. 

"Yes," Rong'er said as she pulled out the cake from the oven. Seeing this made Yanli smile, "the cake is perfect!" she cheered as she took it from Rong'er and handed it to Jiang Cheng who just come after her. 

 "Nice timing A'Cheng! Now decorate the cake, the icing is with Yilan, you can get it from her," Yanli said to Jiang Cheng who only wanted to get some water. "Jie, I only came here to get some water-"

"If I asked you to do it then do it," said Yanli with her authoritative tone which made Jiang Cheng back down. His Jie can be really scary sometimes. So Jiang Cheng has no choice left but to decorate the cake even if he doesn't know how to. "Ahh help me Gods from above," Jiang Cheng prayed as he put the cake down and went to Yilan to get some icing from her. "Cheng-gege...tell me, is Yanli-jiejie really that scary?" Yilan asked while shivering from the thought of the angry Yanli in front of her.

For an answer, Jiang Cheng sighed, "you don't wanna know how scary she could be Yilan, that wasn't even her full power yet...there's still more," Cheng then shivered at the thought of his sister going all out...for sure it would wreck the house if that happens. 

Cheng and Yilan were casually talking about Yanli and completely forgot about their works until a voice suddenly spoke behind their backs. "What are you two talking about?" when the two heard the voice, they felt their spine shiver when they realized that it was Yanli. 

"Shit," they both cursed at the same time making Yanli, who totally abhors people who curse, angry at them. "You two! Not only did you two forget about your works, but you also cursed in front of me! Just to remind you, people! This dinner must be perfect!" she shouted making all the people in the house hear her words.

'She's really annoying,' all of them said in their head. Yanli is different when it comes to events like this, she believed that in order for the feast to be properly celebrated, the food and the decorations must be perfect!

"Suzhen! Is the chicken ready?" Yanli walked out after scolding both Yilan and Cheng and went to where Suzhen is. "Yes, boss!" Suzhen screamed and made both Yilan and Cheng laugh at how tense Suzhen's voice was. "Suzhen-jiejie is also scared of Yanli-jiejie!" Yilan laughed and Cheng laughed with her. 

"So did you meet with Yibo-gege and Zhan-gege?" Yilan changed the topic because she doesn't want to have dead silence while doing both of their tasks. Cheng who's now decorating the cake with Yilan to help him smiled and told Yilan the things she wanted to know. 

"It was because of my Jie...since she's friends with Suzhen I also became friends with her since I'm always beside JieJie 24/7. I first met Zhan when Suzhen came with him, I was surprised because I have never seen Suzhen with a man and as far as I know, Suzhen is bisexual and she's more attracted to girls than boys so it made me wonder what qualities Zhan had to have Suzhen at his side. I did my best to study Zhan that time until I finally understood that Zhan is a good man so I became friends with him when he started to work at the gallery. Days later, Suzhen told us what really happened and it made me pity Zhan and also his lover because his amnesia is stopping them both from feeling each other's love and warmth..."

"...because of my curiosity, I asked Suzhen why his lover is fine with the fact that Zhan is not with him and then Suzhen told me that Zhan's lover had entrusted Zhan into her. I was so curious who Zhan's lover was and then I found out when Haoxuan came to our gallery and bought a painting from Zhan. I was surprised why an actor bought a simple plain painting so I asked Haoxuan personally. Why? Because I was thick-faced at that time so shyness wasn't a thing..."

"...He then told me that it wasn't for him and that it was for Yibo and that was the time I knew that Zhan's lover whom he had forgotten was the 'Wang Yibo'. It was a really big revelation for me," Cheng explained and Yilan was too focused on what Cheng said that she hadn't noticed that they've already done it.

"Done!" Cheng exclaimed as he wiped the sweat that was dripping on his face earlier.

"Jie! We're done!" shouted Jiang Cheng as he carried the cake with him. "Put it on the table Cheng!" screamed Yanli who was still in the kitchen preparing their dinner. Minutes later, the people inside the house had already finished preparing their dinner so they sat at the dining room patiently waiting for the couple to arrive.


"We're here, Love," Yibo called out to Zhan who was sleeping on his shoulder.

"Hm?" Zhan asked with his eyes still closed. "We're here," he repeated and this time Zhan was finally awake. "Oh," he exclaimed as he got out of the car and noticed that the house was slightly opened.

"Yibo, why is the door slightly open?" asked Zhan to Yibo as he clutched into Yibo's jacket.

"I also don't know," Yibo said and stepped slowly towards the door and then gathered his courage to open the door and when he finally did, both of them were surprised at what was waiting for them inside the house.

Not Edited

[Shitty update, I know but please bear with me T_T]

Enjoy T-T

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