Chapter 9

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Zhan who was still in daze of what Yibo said had no idea how nervous Yibo was, fidgeting his fingers with his other fingers. If one might ask why he did it out of the blue, the younger will answer that it is already the right time, or he can't contain it anymore so he decided to let it out. To Yibo, this confession was a 'now or never' situation.

"Yibo..." Zhan started but he had no idea what the following words are. He just mended his relationship with Yibo! And this here conversation of theirs might take them back to zero or worse!

"Zhan-ge..." Yibo was waiting for what Zhan is going to say next. He's still nervous deep inside but tried to hide it with his expression.

"...Y-Yibo..." Zhan had words inside his head but doesn't have a clue on how to say this towards Yibo. He really doesn't want to destroy the relationship they currently have.

Yibo, who had the idea of what was going on inside Zhan's head only sighed, "alright, I know what you will say. You'll still reject me," Yibo smiled through the pain. Xiao Zhan who knew what kind of smile Yibo has shown him also felt bad. He felt bad that he can never return the feelings that Yibo harbors for him. Both of them feel into silence, not awkward just complete silence.

'How am I going to—'

Xiao Zhan's thoughts were interrupted play Yibo's words that left him to shock.

"But that doesn't stop my feelings for you, they will remain and never change..." Yibo said to Zhan, determined and confident of his words. "...I'll never let go of the promise I made to you," Yibo whispered the last part and Zhan was unable to hear it.

"Y-Yibo," Zhan called the younger but was silenced by Yibo's index finger shushing his mouth. "I'll do this everyday until you get tired of it...because this didi of yours is certain that he'll never lose these feelings for you," blurted Yibo before leaving Xiao Zhan lost in his words.


Zhan arrived at the auditorium at their gallery, waiting for the exhibit to start. He sat there waiting for the Jiang siblings that were still stuck in there classes.

"Ugh, when is this exhibit going to start," Zhan complained quietly, half careful to not let other people hear his complaints.

"Excuse me," said a feminine voice. Zhan looked at where the voice came from and it was Yanli, who excused her way from the others. Yanli seated at Zhan's side, the only one left is Jiang Cheng. "Jie, where is Cheng?" asked Zhan as he didn't want to die from being bored.

"Oh, he's still doing things at the office. He'll be here later, let's just wait for him," said Yanli as she tried to look at the front, not being disturbed from Xiao Zhan's stares.

"Oh, okay," Zhan shrugged and pinned his eyes back at the stage. He read the pamphlet that was in his hands and read what the exhibition is all about. He was thankful that it was about paintings, paintings are his forte. If he were to be asked about sculptures, others would call him a newbie for an art major but if it's about paintings, Zhan would turn into a professor, discussing each strokes present, what kind of a painting the art piece is or who is the artist and when it was painted. Zhan knew all of these so that's why he was relieved that the exhibition is about paintings and not other form of art.

"Coming through," said a voice from a distance. Both Xiao Zhan and Yanli looked at to where the voice came and saw Jiang Cheng, squeezing himself just to walk to the two. "Jiang Cheng, you should do some exercising, I noticed that you're having a hard time fitting through tight spaces," Zhan joked but only earned a punch from the other.

"Owie," complained Zhan and Cheng also received a slap from his Jie making him question why her sister did that to him. "Jie, why?" Cheng pouted but was only ignored by Yanli, "that's because you hurt A-Zhan," said by Yanli, not sparing a glance towards his brother.

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