40· goodbye, can't say these words

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.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.

my days were passing by smoothly with everyone.

none of my members or three best friends, treated me any different for ghosting them. they were rather understanding and comforted me - it's alright to disappear until you feel like yourself again.

and taeyoung, our first ever fight definitely didn't affect our relationship negatively, instead made it stronger and I think it was necessary to understand each other more.

just as I thought I was being too happy recently, which was suspicious to me and my hunch came true.

it was dating class's 1st anniversary a few days ago and all of the casts and the whole team gathered to celebrate.

the day which started by being so good, ended up in angst.

a heartbroken news was dropped at us, dating class was coming to an end soon. the last two eps that we filmed were the last ones and now we only have to shoot for the special final episode.

it was my first ever solo fixed cast show making it more meaningful and important to me. I always loved the days we had dating class shooting, from once ancipating for those days now for the first time ever, I don't want the day for the next yet the last shooting to come.

but we can't stop time, now the day is here. here I am, standing at the very familiar set, for the last time. I looked around me, still in disbelief.

"it's heartbreaking everyone, isn't it? unlike the other day everyone looks so sad"

the host said, whose tone sounded rather down as well compared to other shoots.

everyone just sadly smiled in reply.

the outdoor sitting arrangements, it's the last time ever we will sit here together and monitor everything.

by pairs, we were sitting on our assigned places as the host one by one called a couple for a special interview. they were showing a rewind memory vcr of them to each couple, which already made me teary and clenched my heart.

in no time, there was a lump in my throat - i'm so done.

"now, the couple treasured and loved by all of korea, minhee and fia-ssi please come to the stage"

I nodded and looked at my partner, minhee. he gave me a smile as he offered me a hand to get up.

as we stand on the stage, the host starts talking.

"if you have to explain dating class in other words, how would you describe your journey here?"

the host asked us, minhee gestured me to talk first.

"it was something, I can never forget about. even if this journey ends here, it'll always be alive in my heart and I'll treasure all the memories I made here with everyone"

let's meet again. kim taeyoungWhere stories live. Discover now