42· after a while

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.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.

"alright! then we are clear now right"

yujin unnie, the unofficial leader of our performance team says.


we all say in unison.

"okkay! I think we can end it here now but, I trust you guys and I'm sure you guys are aware that there are always room for improvement no matter how flawless a performance is, so let's keep doing our best! but do not overdo anything~"

she claps a little and we all stretch.

it was d-7 until the show and we decided to drob by cafe fairy godmother to have some caffeine after a restless day of practice.

in between the gathering, we ended up casually having a discussion about working on small details to make the performance perfect.

"bye~ everyone take care"

we all said our farewell one by one as we high-fived each other.

"I'll drop you home"

taeyoung said and I slightly yawned with a nod as he pinched my nose letting out a giggle.

"no wait! should we hang out? wanna come to our dorm?"

he excitedly proposed.

"sure sure, I'm free anyways, but we have been stuck together almost everyday due to practice, you still wanna hangout with me?"

I chuckled.

"it's NEVER enough"

I laughed at his cute whine and took his hand on mine.

"same here bub, let's gooo"

we stand up, hand in hand.

"wah~ the visual couple! my daughter is all grown up now"

seungyoun sunbae suddenly comes and fake sobs.

"hello to you sunbae"

I salute at him with a laugh.


taeyoung bowed to him with a chuckle.

"you guys got a date?"

"hmm, well I'm just going to hang out at his dorm"

"hey that's great! I prepared lots, take this with you"

seungyoun sunbae said with a huge smile as he handed me a paper bag, a fresh and nice aroma reaching my nose.

"what is it! it smells so good"

I curiously peek inside.

"some newly experimented desserts, we didn't add these to the menu yet, just gifting them to everyone as a survey. eat them well! I'm waiting for an honest review~"

let's meet again. kim taeyoungWhere stories live. Discover now