But, honestly, endearments makes me feel things.

Which is something I'm not a fan of before.

I used to believe it was cheesy as hell.

But with Yeji, it made me feel special.

I started eating the breakfast Yeji prepared when I suddenly received a call from Jimin. So I answered it.


"Happy birthday, Ryu!" She greeted.

"Thanks, Jimin." I replied and giggled.

"It's been a while. We should hang out some other time. If it's okay with you." She said. "What's your plans for today?"

"Date." I answered.

I never considered our relationship after break up as an awkward one. Like what I've said to Yeji before, everything about Jimin just feels like an old friend.

I can't really consider her as a friend though.

"Girlfriend? Boyfriend?" She asked in a playful way.

"Boys can be great but boyfriend doesn't seems right, you know." I joked. "To answer, yes, girlfriend."

"You should introduce me to her."

I laughed. "No, because, you might steal her from me."

I declined because I'm actually not a fan of that idea. It might be awkward for Yeji too.

"I think I've talked to your girl through phone."

"Yup, she mentioned." I said.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"No worries, Jimin. She understands." I told her.

"Anyway, I hope you enjoy your date today." She responded with an excited voice. "Happy birthday again, Ryu!"

I chuckled. "Thanks again."

When we ended the call and finished my meal, I just went to the living room and relaxed myself on the couch.

Birthdays are not really that special to me.

It just feels like another day to fight and survive.

I don't know but every time it's my birthday, I always have mixed emotions inside me.

It feels like I don't want the day to end, but want the day to pass by too.

But it was different today.

I was looking forward for something.

For Yeji.

She really.. made my life more exciting than before.

It has also been a week since my conversation with her dad. Nothing happened, but it didn't erased the terrified feeling inside me.

Yet it didn't affect how strong my feelings for Yeji. How determined I am to fight for us if anything complicated happens.

Maybe that's what love is.


We actually haven't said those words yet.

But if a person will ask me if I love her, I don't think I'll hesitate.

It's a straight and a firm yes.

Without doubt.

Not because she makes me feel special.

Can't Get Out | Ryejiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें