P2: Chapter 13

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Yeji's POV

"Hey sis." he reached out for my hand before i could hide it. He gently caressed the bandage on my arm and sighed. I'm still not looking at him. I am just laying on my bed still weak.

"Thank God, they were on time." he sighed again not hearing a response from me.

"Yeji...Ryujin is the one who brought you here together with mom and Seulgi." 

He gave me a faint smile after i glanced towards his direction. I looked away feeling that he just baited me but he spoke again,

"Mom already met her and she's the one who invited her to see you but..."

My tears streamed down my face again. I'm hating mom for not doing anything about it. Dad won't listen to me and would really dare to ruin Ryujin if i don't give her up. "They had a fight last night..."

We heard the door opening and it was Seulgi unnie. She's carrying a basket of fruits and a large paper bag. She was surprised to see me awake so she ran to hug me. She wiped her cheeks before going to the bag and brought it to me. It made me tear up more seeing the monkey plushie Ryujin owns.

"She told me you can hug Tuk since she's not here with you." she said slightly chuckling. Ryujin flashed into my mind right after i cuddled the monkey. Her smell is all over it. This just makes me miss her more. 

"What happened now?"

I just played with Tuk while listening to them. They are talking about dad till they caught my attention.

"He won't force Yeji to the marriage and won't try to stop their relationship anymore."

They both looked at me smiling when they noticed i was looking at them. They hugged me releasing a sigh of relief. We all laughed when i let out a loud sniffle.

"Unnie, where's my phone? I need to talk to Ryujin."

"Aish! I forgot to ask mom about it! Here you can borrow mine."

She gave me her phone with Ryujin's number already ringing. She immediately answered.

"Seulgi? How's Yeji?"


I heard her sobbing on the line after a few seconds of silence. She's trying to speak up but she ends up stuttering. We both ended up laughing after hearing each other cry.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't say that baby, but please don't ever do that again hmm?" she said sniffling in between.


"I miss you so much. I'm so jealous of Tuk right now."

We both laughed again. "I wish i could be there..." i couldn't respond not knowing why. I had a hunch so i glanced over at my siblings.

"Did Dad see her?" they both just stared at me and didn't answer. That's a yes then.

"What did he do?"

"Yeji... don't worry about that okay? it's bad for you."

"Seulgi unnie--" she's still hesitating to answer. Hyunjin is also avoiding my glances.


I stopped upon hearing her serious tone. She then let out a sigh, "Get well soon so we can see each other okay? I need to go now. I'll call you later hmm?"

"I love you, Yeddeong."

"I love you."

She ended the call. I feel empty again ending our conversation like that. They met and it wasn't good. I just wish i could've done something about it.


Our parents arrived around 6 pm bringing us dinner. They're trying to talk to me especially dad but I'm just ignoring him. He's surprisingly calm this time. They've also mentioned about them returning to Korea next week. Seulgi will stay here with me and Hyunjin for good. I felt happy upon hearing that news.

"Now i have two bullies with me." we both hit him playfully after he said that. He's acting so hurt making everyone laugh.


I stiffened when i heard his voice. I gave him a look. "I'm sorry." he said. I just nodded slightly giving him a smile. I still don't forgive him but there's no point in keeping my anger in me.

--The next Day--

Ryujin's POV

I'm on my way to the hospital to see Yeji. Seulgi told me i could come and that her mom wants to talk to me. I arrived after a 20min drive and now I'm walking towards the room. Her parents was on their way out when they saw me. She hugged me tightly then gently cupped my face speaking,

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter," i gave her a smile. I glanced at her dad who's just staring at me without any emotions shown.

"I just did this for my daughter--" 

I looked down and spoke up, "Don't worry, sir. I'm not expecting anything from you. But thank you, for giving Yeji her freedom." i gave him a smile. I know he wouldn't approve that easily after how he acted with everything happened. It doesn't matter as long as Yeji is happy and we're together. I could work with that.

I was shocked when he tapped my shoulder once without saying anything then he started walking away. Her mom hugged me once again before following her husband.

I walked towards the door and opened it quietly. I saw Yeji staring out the window while hugging Tuk. I approached her without making any noise but she glanced at me before i could even reach her. Surprise was seen on her face making me smile widely.

"Yeddeong-ah~" she dropped Tuk as she reached for my arms to hug me. She was about to cry again but i stopped her. I sat down on her bed.

"How is my baby?"

She pouted at me. She leaned on my arms as we lay back on the headboard. "What took you so long?" she said in a cute voice.

"Traffic?" she hit me lightly i couldn't help but to giggle. She buried her face on my chest sniffing me.

"I didn't take a bath today,"

"I don't care. You still smell good." she said while pouting.

"I missed you." i said. She looked at me and cupped my face. I gave her a peck on the lips. "I missed you more."

I rested my head on top of hers after i kissed her forehead. It feels like i haven't seen and held her for years. I tried tickling her but she immediately stopped me. She's pouting again so i gave her soft kisses and ending it with a long one.


Okay so this is the last chapter and I'll post the epilogue tomorrow!! 👀

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