P1: Chapter 14

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Yeji's POV

That's the last thing I heard that night.

That's also the last thing i heard from Ryujin. It's been two weeks since i woke up alone in our house. I tried contacting her, and waited for her to get home. I thought it's the same as before. I thought it's all deja vu or i was just dreaming. But I later found out from Winter that she already left the country. She did it without saying goodbye to me. Without seeing me even just a second.

I spent my days hoping for a message to pop up from her. I flooded her number with texts asking what happened, where she is...nothing. I've been drinking all the champagne i bought from the same stall. I still remember every single moment from that night. Hyunjin often comes over to check up on me. I also haven't talked to him when i knew Ryujin stayed at his place because of Seulgi unnie. He keep saying unnie is just protecting me.

"Yeji listen to me!"

"No, you said you don't want to see me hurt but you're the one hurting me!"

"I know her too well. How she played with girls Yeji!!"

"You don't even know much about her yet. Did she tell you she met her ex weeks ago? Huh?"


"You'll thank me one day,"

"She's not like that..."

That's the last conversation i had with her before i ignored every call she did. I've been sleeping too much but my body still feels tired.

"Hey," it's Karina.

The girls are here today. I was too weak to stop Chae from taking away the bottle from me. I glared at her. I just watched them cleaning up the things in my house. I'm currently on the floor with all the chips and tissues. I heard Winter sighed as she sat beside me. It seemed she wanted to say something but she stopped herself.

"Yeji unnie~" they even brought Yuna. She knew about what happened because she asked my friends why i haven't been going to school.

"Hey, Ryujin is doing fine so you should be too." Winter spoke, holding on to my shoulders.

"Do you know where she is?" i feel like crying again.

"I don't. But i know she wouldn't want to see you like this. Especially because of her,"

"Please, Yeji." Karina said caressing my arm.

"We're here okay?" Lia assured me. They all hugged me as i cried again. I still have tears left in me after all that. I miss you so much, my Ryuddaeng.


"Let's go dudes!"

"Aaaah! Look at that panda!"

"Yeji unnie!!"

Yuna held my hand as we watch all the pandas. We decided to go to the zoo today. Yuna and Wonyoung started hanging out with us more and i can say they're so fun. Also Ningning, Winter's friend as she started dating Karina.

"They're so cutee~"

I cling on to Gigi's arms as we walk down the bridge. We saw different animals, left and right. A group of friends also passed by.

"I can't believe you haven't heard about it!"

"Well, she's lucky."

"I just feel sad to the others who didn't survive."

"She's still in coma according to the news."

"It's unfortunate, she was going for her first show when the crash happened."

I didn't know who and what they're really talking about but that made me sad. I also wish for that person to be able to wake up. The others also started talking about it feeling the same thing. I suddenly remembered Ryujin. I still think about her everyday. I'm still hoping she'll come back here. She'll come back to me.


It's almost sunset and we're all sitting at the seaside waiting for it. I love the smell of the sea so much. It brings calmness to my mind seeing the waves and sky. I hugged myself when i felt the cold breeze. I looked around and saw couples doing their thing. We could've been like them.

"Yeji," Lia called me holding the camera.

"Smile," she said. I smiled widely even my eyes did.

It's been a while.

"You're so pretty dude!" i laughed at her.

The band playing could be heard from our place. It added more to the feeling while looking at the beautiful view. I wiped my tear and let out a deep breath. Karina checked on me so i just smiled at her. We're going to go to the concert tonight. We're all running as the music goes louder. Lots of people are gathering up jamming to the band currently performing.

I'm just lost with my thoughts but i can still hear the song loud and clear. I'd enjoy this more if she's here with me. I smiled.

I know we'll meet again, Ryujin. I'll be here waiting.

Champagne Problems || Ryeji AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant