P1: Chapter 10

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Ryujin's POV

I finished showering and found Yeji already sleeping. I can't believe myself. Everything happened just sink in me. I'm dead if Seulgi knows about this. Speaking of her, i went to get my phone to check her messages.

Seulgay dudes

Answer my calls.

Shin Ryujin! Where are you?

Seriously dude...

If you don't answer one more time, you owe me a new phone.

It's important! Please call me asap.

Those are some of her messages along with her 14 missed calls. I heard Yeji groaned so i looked to check her. She's still asleep. I brushed her hair without looking away at her face. I could stare at her all night long. I sighed before deciding to call Seulgi.


"Shin Ryujin!"


I didn't go to class to meet her. It's been almost 3 years since I've last seen her. I bet a lot has changed after all those times.

*Last night's phone call*

"Shin Ryujin!" she's always loud. I'm right to go outside or else Yeji would hear her.

"What's up, man?"

"She's there."


"Your ex!"

"Okay, uhhh which one?" don't ask me why.

I heard her go "tch" before speaking again,

"Jeon Somi."

I haven't heard that name for years. And hearing that makes my chest feel uneasy. Suddenly, my memories with her flashed into my mind.

"So what?" i tried not to sound mad at her.

"She actually contacted me yesterday, asking where you are." i felt more frozen in my place. What does she want?

"I didn't tell her where you are of course...but she knows you're in the country. She left me her number."

"She's wanting to apologize to you, and to have closure. I think you should meet her man." she said in a caring tone. I closed my eyes letting out a deep breath,

"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to. Just tell me what to tell her,"

"Give me her number." i said.

The call ended and i immediately texted the number when Seulgi sent it.

Hi, this is Ryujin. Seulgi said you were looking for me the other day.

She responded within a minute.

Hey, i didn't expect you'd contact me back lol. Can we talk?

Sure but about what?

About what happened to us. I'm really sorry for everything, Ryujin.

I almost teared up reading that. She told me the address where we'd meet for today. This better be not one of her tricks again, fooling me.

I'm getting bored of waiting so i decided to order. I just ordered her a cheesecake since that also her favorite.

"Hey," she arrived at last. She was a bit shocked when she saw the cake. I saw her smile a bit. That smile. Always gave me butterflies.

"Hey, long time no see." i said initiating the conversation.

"Hey, I know right? It's been uhh-"

"3 years."

"How are you?" i asked again.

"I'm good, I'm actually moving to South Korea for good to continue with my career."

I nodded and looked down. So she really achieved her dream? I'm happy for her. I really am but.. She betrayed me just to get to that dream.

"How about you? Why did you go back here?" she's smiling to me. Fuck that.

How can she act all okay when she left me without a single explanation? After i saw her with her boss that night. Those 2 years we spent together didn't seem to matter. She easily packed us up. The next morning, all i knew is she already left the country. And now she's here looking so fine.

"I'm also good. I'm studying here," i answered avoiding her eyes.


"I'm sorry." she said as she held my hand tight. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry for leaving you like that. But i want you to know that i didn't sleep with my boss." i know she's not lying.

I looked at her confused. She sighed and continued,

"He tried to, and i was fighting him then you came. I didn't know what to say, it's all too much that time."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to. Believe me, i tried to go to you but i...i just have to leave immediately or else--" i stopped her.

I gave her a sarcastic chuckle. She still chose her dream in the end. Of course I don't blame her, but it won't change the fact that i was left alone. I questioned myself for months asking where i went wrong. I believed for months that she cheated on me. Thinking I'd never win over a guy. I hated her. I still do.

"You don't have to forgive me Ryujin. I just want everything to be clear with you. And thank you,"

"Thank you for being my girlfriend...before," i can't help but to chuckle too. I'm holding my tears back but it's getting hard because she's crying.

"I'm sorry if it had to end like that. I was selfish,"

"Yes, you are." i responded to her andi couldn't stop myself from crying too.

I carried all these inside me for years. She's the first girl i loved and i was so sure I'd do anything for her. We hugged each other, and she's patting my back. It's been a while since i cried like this. I admit i missed her so much. It's just i also don't feel anything towards her anymore, just the hatred. I cried harder and buried my face on her shoulder.

"But I'm happy for you, you finally got your childhood dream," i said in between.

"Watch me on stage okay?" she said chuckling.

I guess we would still have been together if she got to tell me that. But i also know we'd have to break up the moment she becomes a celebrity. It's meant to end. We pulled away, wiping our eyes from crying. We look silly so we laughed.

We managed to catch up on things before her manager called her. Nothing has changed really, just our feelings. And I'm glad i get to let go of the heaviness in my heart. I waved her goodbye as she got in the car. She'll be staying in South Korea for good. I'm sure she's going to do well. I turned on my phone to message Seulgi because she knows we'd meet today. I told her briefly what happened and saw Yeji's icon.

Aish, how do i tell Seulgi about that?

I wanted to surprise Yeji in school so i asked Lia first where is she. She's still in school, with Yuna. Why? I guess I'll just have to see.

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