P2: Chapter 8

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Ryujin's POV

I watched them go as i felt Somi caressed my back. I can't hold back my tears anymore from falling. I composed myself up to walk down to our car. Somi is just supporting me and isn't talking. I know she wants to ask me about it. Confusion and sadness is seen in her face. I felt more guilty wanting to disappear so bad.

"Somi," i called her when we reached home. She just gave me a faint smile. She helped me change my clothes and told me to lay down already. I'm too weak to oppose and just followed her.

"I'm sorry." i said as tears started to build up again.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow okay?" how can she be like this? She's not even mad.

"Let's sleep hmm?" she sweetly says as she leaned down to kiss my forehead.


I can't look her straight in the eyes while she's crying like that. She's breaking up with me.

"I knew my mom was lying when she said we were still dating but then you said we are so i went along with it. I guess--

--i was also scared to be alone at that time...not remembering everything and losing my career but i ignored the fact that you have a life here...that someone is probably waiting for you, I'm sorry."

I embraced her tight to calm her down. I cupped her face.

"Sshh, hey it's not your fault. Look at me."

"I thought i could finally make up for my mistakes but i ended up being selfish again..."

She admitted that her memories returned last month but she was too afraid that I'll leave her. I didn't know what to feel really. I couldn't blame her. I know the feeling of being alone being one in those 2 years away from the girl i love.

"I saw you two last night. I saw the way you look at her Ryujin. The whole night. It's not the same as how you looked at me, even before."

"The moment i kissed you that night, it's not the same anymore," she chuckled. "Being so scared, i forced myself to believe i still love you..."

I just stayed quiet listening to her talk. I kept forcing myself for months that i love her but everytime i try to do it with her, it felt so wrong. Yeji won't leave my mind.

"I know you stayed because of pity. You stayed to be distracted."

"I'm sorry." there's no point in lying to her.

"No no, I'm sorry. I took away your happiness. Three fucking years you just stayed with me and-"

"I told you it's not your fault." I said again, reassuring her then she pulled away from our hug. She wiped her eyes leaving her stare at me.

"You should go now. She must be waiting."


She held my hand.

"Enough worrying about me, thank you Ryujinie~

--go get your girl now."

She chuckled yet i couldn't do it back. I pulled her closer to me hugging her tight.

It's not that easy.
"Thank you."


"She's really pretty. You have a thing with girls older and taller than you no?"

"hmmm...and blondes?"

"I haven't seen her blonde tho." i responded as we both giggled. She showed me Yeji's blonde photos 5 years ago. It looks so good on her. Everything does.

We're on the sofa and her head laying on my lap. I'm brushing her hair while watching her scroll through her phone. We both calmed down and now talking casually about things. She's stalking Yeji's account teasing me. I still feel overwhelmed by everything happened but it's lighter now. I won't worry about Somi anymore. We went back here because she'd be living with her parents. She said she'll handle her mom about me leaving but i insisted I'll come with her. 'Just a little longer Yeji, please wait for me.'

"Do you want me to talk to Seulgi?" i shook my head.

"I'm always here for you, Ryujin."

"Me too." we smiled at each other.

"Introduce me to your Yeji someday, okay?" she happily said i couldn't help but to laugh and just nod at her.


Yeji's POV

"Ryujin is not like that!"

"You don't know her!" she yells back at me throwing her bag to the floor.

"You keep telling me that. You aren't even here those times we're together so how can you judge her so easily?"

She couldn't say another word, her mouth left open. Hyunjin is beside her frowning just letting us shout at each other. I found out how they reconnected months after she left me. Seulgi is also close to Somi since she's the first and only girlfriend of Ryujin. She contacted her the moment she knew about the accident setting aside the thing about me.

"Why can't you trust her unnie?!"

She's about to burst in tears but i didn't care. I'm so mad at her, at them.

"She fucking played with the girl i loved before okay?!"

I was left dumbfounded by what she said. She weakly sat down with Hyunjin supporting him. We both looked at her confused. We never knew about this.

"Noona?" Hyunjin said with a worried tone.

"I already told you about Somi being her first girlfriend. After she left, Ryujin dated lots just to forget about her...including my bestfriend."

"I never confessed to not ruin our friendship of course, i just found out she's been talking to Ryujin...they dated for weeks before she caught Ryujin with another girl leaving her broken...then she left the city. And Ryujin? she never apologized." she scoffed.

"Unnie, I'm so sorry," i hugged her tight. She buried her face on my shoulder crying harder.

"I got so mad at her. We fought actually but I couldn't tell her the truth when she asked me why am i so affected--because i didn't care with the other girls she dated."

"I don't want you getting hurt," she gently told me. I understand her more now. I started to have little doubts about Ryujin but i also know it wouldn't matter cause she's back with Somi.

"She loves you, i know that... it is like when she is with Somi. Wait no, it's more than that." she looked at me full of worry in her eyes,

"--but i still can't trust her Yeji. I hope you understand."


I just realized, Yeji has been crying too much now. I'm sorry. (7/8 chapter? wtf)

ANWS, We're done with all the dramas to know about. It's time to be happy now? hmmmm :/

I'll update the next one tmr hehehehehehehe ;)

eat ur meals!! <33

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