P2: Chapter 6

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Yeji's POV

I'm at the cafe's entrance still hesitating. I need to talk to her. 'You can do this.' i finally get my strength to open the door but i almost jumped out of surprise when i heard her speak. Her voice.

"What are you doing here?"

I gulped. She's here in front of me wearing a frown on her face.

"What do people do in cafe's, buy appliances?" i don't know how i found the confidence answering her like that.

"Tch," she said as she approached the door. She went it and even held the door for me. 'Calm yourself down.'

She was greeted by her employees. She greeted back. She was about to go to her office at the back when i grabbed her wrist.

"Let's talk."

I can feel her hesitation. I tightened my grip staring at her with my eyes pleading.



"Thank you." we both said at the same time when our food arrived at the table.


She looked at me just waiting for what I'll say next.

"How are you?"

"Good. How about you?" she asks back avoiding my stare.

"Good..." and now it's awkward.

"I uhhh, sorry about how i acted on the beach."

"Ah, don't worry about it. It's all the alcohol no?"

We both laughed.

"I didn't know you have a girlfriend." I saw you kissed yesterday. I felt her froze for a moment and then she wipes her mouth.


'What else am i doing here?' 'It's done Yeji. There's no point in talking to her now.'

She sighed. I just watched her drop her fork and take a sip from her coffee. She brushed her hair up with that stressed look on her face looking outside. I bit my lip. Why do i find that hot?

Her eyes locked on mine. I feel my hands already sweating. I can feel my heartbeat increasing as seconds pass by.

"I'm sor--"

"Is this the place??!"

We both glanced at the direction of the noise. They got the attention of other customers and the employees. I panicked when i realized who are they and tried to hide behind my bag on the table. I was too late...

"Is that Yeji?!" i heard Lia screamed.

The whole gang is here. They walked towards us with all smiles on their faces.

"Woah, woah Shin Ryujin we meet again." Aeri spoke with sarcasm on her tone tapping Ryujin's shoulder.

"Hey," she coldly greeted forming a faint smile.

"You own this place?" she just nodded at Chae's question.

Come on, Yeji think! You need to escape with Ryujin for you to talk. She was about to say something! Fucking bad timing my friends have. They all sat down squeezing us to the window side. I mouthed "sorry" but she just smiled at me awkwardly.

"Let's order,"

"Ryujinnie, what would you recommend?" Lia smiled at her. Why do they act like those 3 years she's gone never happened?

"Uhm..." i was surprised she actually responded to her. She was also laughing as Aeri made jokes in between. I guess she's really okay. It's just me who's still stuck with what we had. 'No, let me rephrase that. I'm still stuck with what we almost had.'

They're all enjoying their orders but I'm still just staring at her. She's answering their questions related to the business forgetting about ours. This is the longest time I've been with her since 3 years ago. Then her phone rang so she had to go outside.

"Woi," Chaeryeong hit me with her elbow.

"Did you guys talk already?"

"No. We're about to--but you guys came!" i said glaring at all of them. They all apologized saying they didn't know. I sighed. Ryujin came back after a minute with a worried look on her face.

"Sorry, i really need to go somewhere important."

She glanced at me. I wanted to stop her but nothing came out of my mouth. She looked guilty and disappointed.

"It's nice to see you guys again." she flashed a smile before leaving the cafe.

"I missed you, Ryuddaeng."


Hyunjin called me to go to his office today so i agreed to. His call sounded important. I waved my friends goodbye as i crossed the road. It's a hot day. I fanned myself using my hand while walking towards the elevator. I reached his office on the top floor. The people greeted me and i just smiled at them. Is there something going here?

"Wooooo she's here!"

I was shocked hearing Hyunjin the moment i opened the door. My eyes widened seeing Mom and Dad together with Seulgi unnie inside the office. It's been so long since I've seen them. I immediately ran to them for a hug. I can't help but to cry. They all teased me especially Hyunjin but he still pat my head.

"I missed you so much!"

"We missed our little princess too,"


I'm inside unnie's car and we're heading to my house. She said she'll be sleeping there tonight since she missed me. I thought we'd be awkward but i guess i don't really feel anything negative towards her now. She's telling me her experiences while also asking about my life here. I can also tell she's avoiding to talk about Ryujin.

"Are you seeing someone right now?" i can't help but to cough with her sudden question. Seriously..choking on my own saliva.


"Why not?"

"Hmmmm, well i just rejected someone last week--" that's a fucking lie. She laughed.

"Hyunjin told me about his girlfriend, she's pretty and i think she's nice."

"She is." i responded smiling. I met her already and I'm glad the topic has changed. 'Come on why is it even traffic this time?'


I'm waiting for Seulgi to finish showering. I'm done preparing our dinner for Hyunjin is also going to come here. Our parents still couldn't because of a business meeting but they said we'll eat together tomorrow night. I'm excited to bond with my siblings tonight.


2 UPDATES TO MAKE UP FOR ME SAYING "the next chap won't be like this--" (i swear I didn't mean for it to be a lie)

;-; ily all

Also, Seulgi is back????

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