Bonus Section: Our stories | Part 5 |

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"The Wedding"

- Ayla

Now imagine yourself in a beautiful white gown that's reaches the floor. Your hair is open and now that you've dyed it, you love it even more. Your smile wide enough and beautiful enough for anyone to fall in love. I'm standing beside you. Holding your hand with one hand and your gown with other. I too am wearing a gown. Though yours is definitely more ethereal. You cant believe it's finally here, you're marrying the woman of your dreams, your soul mate today and with platonic soulmate beside you to wipe those tears of joy. You weren't allowed to see her all morning so you're even more nervous but also excited and happy and jumpy but also scared but more pumped up! "Ayla, I'm telling you she's the best girl I've ever had the fortune to know. She's warm and caring and supportive. Have you seen her book collection? God, I love it. I love her, " You say. "Yes jess, you've told me that a million times already," I reply. "Okay but I'm sure I haven't told you about how she-" You say, all excited

"-defends you and protects you," I continue tired of hearing the same thing but also secretly feel it's adorable. "Yes, yes I know, I'm sure she feels equally -oh there he is!" I say. Her brother was standing there. He was going to escort us to where the wedding ceremony was going to happen. Since you were so excited about it and practically did most of the planning, your soon to be wife said that she wanted to surprise you. And since neither of you liked crowds a lot, you had decided that you would only call your close friends and family. And now her brother puts a blind fold on you and whispers something in my ears. As I already know where it is I take your hand and pull you in. We had started walking from your home which obviously was near a beautiful vast forest and a really pretty lake. You could smell the wood and feel a few leaves crunching beneath your feet and soon enough you could hear the water flowing distantly. Even though you were excited as hell you were also tired and tell me it's easy to walk so much in a wedding dress. Finally we reach the destination. Just to you tease you I ask you to guess what it is and don't open your blind fold for another five to ten minutes. You can smell candles and cinnamon and the woods and the trees. You can hear classical music playing in the background. So you have a basic idea of what it is. I open your blind folds. And as soon as I open it, backyard boy starts to play and you can see your soon to be wife standing in front of you. She's wearing an elegant gown that matches yours, her hair is in a beautiful bun. You can see her tattoo on her hand. You softly whisper her name and run towards her and hug her. You pull apart and look deep into her eyes

"Can i?" She asks and leans in for a kiss as you nod. Everything the world has to offer seems worthless because at the moment all that matters Is her and only her. You smile, you smile so wide and it's even better cause you know it's not fake. You take her hand and start dancing and you wanna keep dancing and dancing and you genuinely would if the priest hadn't interrupted. He fake coughed to get your attention and said that "you had all the time in the world to be with her, can we please just continue before my daughter at home thinks I'm dead." Fast forward: you're married and you couldn't be happier. 8 years later:

Life seems perfect. You have a lovely wife, who's currently working on her dream project, a son who possibly could not be sweeter, your dream job and on top of that you've also published three best sellers and have your own yt channel. I mean life's perfect. Your wife looks up from the book she was reading out to you and asks you if something is wrong cause you seem lost in thought. "Am I reading alright? You're perfectly okay. Our sons alright too, and so are our pets, then what's wrong?" She asks. You just look at her with all the love and whispers, "I love you," And ofc she says it back. She leans in for a kiss obviously after asking for consent and hugs you to death. and it was all happily ever after from then.

~ The End ~

Like you said, 'we use our writing skills to heal the wounded.' Sometimes I'm grateful for our bad days, because they've only bought us together. Now that I think back to one of my anxiety attacks, I only remember you comforting me.

I love you so, so much, and I hope you liked it.
Always Ayla.

"Lastly, my personal favourite: How many people would you impress if the world was blind?"

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