You Need To Know I Love You

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The fact that you even need to open this letter, should say something. That fact that I am even writing this letter, should say something.

Have I not been enough these days? I'm sorry if I haven't. This kind of doubt is something I am familiar with, sadly. You need to tell me if there's something wrong. I wouldn't hate you. The only way we can fix things is if both of us know that we even have something to fix. I'm sorry you're feeling this way, and I am so sorry that I am making you feel this way because I know how much it hurts.

If it's not already obvious enough, I love you a lot. I would gladly step in front of a bullet (or a million) for you. You know how people say they would die for someone? Well, to be honest most of us aren't scared of death, in fact they like it. So, that being said I would live for you. I would do anything for you.

You mean so so much to me. More than you probably know, and probably much more than you could ever imagine. I feel like I might've been scared of loving a person this much. But if you're so sure of something, you give it your all, and hopefully, you can see that that's what I have done.

Why I love you? You make me smile when nobody else can. You're the most thoughtful and kind person I know. No matter what, you think about everyone, not just yourself. You're amazing without having to try, even if you don't realize it You know you aren't perfect, and that in itself, is beauty. You aren't completely annoyed of me, by now. (Seriously, how do you put up with me?)

I would literally die if something happened to you. Remember the time when you got distracted by cookies and didn't reply to my messages and I spammed you because I was so fucking worried? Yeah, that's how much I care about you. As much as Maeve cared about Artemis and, Justice cared about Louis and her sister. Enough to say that I'd die for you and write this long-ass and probably unhelpful monologue for any random stranger to read. I promise you, I'll never ever leave you.

As always, I love you, my incredible friend. Fascinating how one word can carry so much weight and have such different meanings.

"When you have nothing to lose, you get an entire world to conquer."

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