It's Your Birthday

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I guess it goes without saying but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

It's finally time. After ages, after all these memories you've made, you have this chance of making another, and it feels pretty good. Through all the late nights, early morning, stressful days, happy moments and sad moments, you've actually made it. You're finally ##.

The day when the world was given the great gift of... Well, you! It's your day, and you deserve to enjoy it. This is going to sound super cheesy, but I'm really glad you were born. You've become such a big and important part of not only my life but also in the lives of others. I hope you know that there are so many people who love you, including myself. I hope you're having a genuinely pleasant day, and not just pretending to be happy or anything. You deserve to feel good.

Make sure to take lots of pictures, maybe even a vlog. This is a day you'll never get back again, so make sure to cherish it, and DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL THINGS. If something happens to go wrong, just brush it off. It's your day. It's your moment. Shine a little. Smile a little bigger. Smile a little wider. Laugh a little longer. Tell someone something nice.

And remember, that this is only the beginning. This is only the beginning of your journey and the greatness that is yet to come. You're going to do so many amazing things, I already know. Don't forget me along the way, though, haha. But really, don't. You're one of the biggest, greatest blessings I've had the honour of receiving in my life. I'm so thankful for you, and I honestly don't know what I would do without you, and I hope I never have to find out.

Once again, Happy Birthday, love. Have a great day, and make this next year of your life even greater than the last. You have so much to live for, and I hope with every passing year of your life, you will come to realize that more and more.

As we start this next part of our journey together (but apart), just know you always have me. And I'll always love you, no matter what. And, if you mess up in life, it's okay, and you'll be okay. You're still learning and growing, and nobody is perfect. Don't ever try to be.

So, here's to teenagehood. Here's to you, my favourite person in this whole damn world.
Have a blast, my queen. Always, Ayla

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

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