You're Sick

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Hey, love, I'm so sorry that you're sick. I never want to see you hurt, sick, sad or anything where you didn't have that amazing smile on your face.

Trust me, if I could, I would fly out there right now. I would get the first flight there and take care of you. I'd make you soup, and some warm tasty food, and I'd watch your comfort movies with you. (for both our pleasures if I'm being honest here). I would make sure you had everything you needed the moment you needed them. Since I can't be there in person, I want to remind you how much I love you. I know being sick is hard, and I know you'd rather be up and working right now, but it's okay to rest for a little while. If I know you, you'll be back in action in no time.

Being sick is definitely not fun, but I hope I can make your day a little brighter. I advise watching some of your favourite movies. The best way to recover quickly is a movie day, especially one with lots of popcorn.

Take care, I love you!
Always Ayla.

"Every man is happy until happiness is suddenly a goal."

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