You Miss Me

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You probably miss me right now. Obviously, you do since you opened this.

I'm sorry that we can't meet each other every day, no matter how much we want to. There's a distance between us that neither of us can do anything about, but I know, and you know, I'd love to talk to you, hug you, and hold your hand. To be honest, I don't really know how we survive being apart from each other, being as clingy as we are.

Well, the point is, I definitely miss you, too. I miss your warmth, your soothing voice, your lovely texts. I miss your calming personality, your beautiful aura and soul. Everything about you. My heart is filled with joy, knowing I have that one special person who I can talk to about anything and everything. Words can barely describe how much I love and appreciate you. I feel elated knowing I have you, knowing I'm fortunate enough to talk to you. I enjoy the feeling of basking in your light and friendship, and it's a feeling, and you're a person, I hope I can carry with me beyond this Earth and to the heavens. Thank you for connecting with me on such a deep, large level. Thank you for being you.

Anyway, if for some reason, I'm completely unreachable, think about all the good memories we've had together and don't let it make you sad. Let it make you happy, let it make you smile, and your heart flutter with joy.

I love you so much.

"Different eyes see different things."

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