You're Feeling Insecure

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Hey, gorgeous.
I know me saying that you're beautiful, or you're loved, won't do shit. That's what everyone will say if you tell them you are feeling insecure. Of course, you're beautiful and creative and smart and loved, but I know you will not believe it so easily. I could make an entire list of reasons I think you're enough.

I am going to say this from the start: You are beautiful.

I understand how difficult it is to love and believe in yourself. But beauty? that's a difficult subject to ponder on. Beauty is different for everyone; for some people, beauty can be make-up, hair all done up nice and fancy, and wearing the latest trending clothes and jewellery. Or for some, it could be no make-up and whatever makes you comfortable. Beauty is complex.

What others think of you is not important, it is what you think of yourself. Remember, if someone puts you down, it is because they are jealous of what they do not have, compared to yourself; but when someone calls you beautiful, even gorgeous, it feels great, does it not? So why can't you tell yourself that you're beautiful, and feel great about it? When you stand in front of that mirror, and stare at your small jawline, or your freckles, or your birthmark, why can't you realize that this is something special? You were created in a way to be unique, to be something else. On the outside, we all have the same structure, but on the inside we have something powerful, we all have beauty.

Do not listen to other people's negative comments, you know they're lying. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful. Do activities that make you feel beautiful. Please believe someone when they compliment you - Whether they say you're cute, or it be that you're gorgeous. Don't you ever worry about what other people think; they want what you have.

Besides, at the end of the day, almost everyone looks at themselves and compares themselves to someone. You aren't alone. Who knows, maybe your grade mates compare themselves to you, thinking about how you're so humorous, creative and have such an amazing sense of fashion, but they don't think they do. (In case you're having a bad day <3)

"You have enemies. Good. That means you stood up for yourself."

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