Bonus Section: Our stories | Part 1 |

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"Wandering around the forest."

You and I both just came back from our dream high school. The classes were fascinating and today in class everyone was clapping for you since we published our story and everyone loved it. Now to celebrate, we pick out a book and some snacks and warm milk with honey, like in Ponyo and start running towards the forest nearby.

No one there as far as we can see. We can smell the forest and the woods, and we can feel the breeze in our hair and under our bare feet. You're wearing a really pretty dress that matches mine, and we both hold hands and run till we're out of breath. We can hear the water in the distance and a few birds singing.

Now, since we're both tired, we stop running. You pull out the books and the milk while I put on our playlist. It's almost dark, so you can see the moon. It's a full moon night, and you joke saying, maybe we'll see a werewolf. Now you sit against the tree trunk and open your book, while I lay down on your lap. We're both reading, calming in the warmth of nature, while also drinking our milk and listening to our playlist.

And here it is, Ophelia just played

Both of us look at each other excited, we stand up and keep the books and milk down. We take each other's hand, we stand dancing to the music. No one can see or hear us, and our phones are on silent; no one can disturb us. We start talking about our funny moments together while dancing.

Neither of us is able to contain our happiness. We have the same thought - Everything is perfect, we have amazing friends and most importantly we have each other. It felt great.

But wait, I just tripped. You're trying to stop giggling. You help me stand up, but I look at you with playful anger. I yell out your name as you start running deep into the forest. I catch you and start tickling you.

After some laughs and a bit of dancing and reading, we are exhausted. We lay down on our backs, holding each other's hands, we can see the stars very clearly now. It's ethereal. I tell you about some constellations, and together we fall in love with the stars and the moon.

I love you, *name*

I love you too, so much, *name*

And exactly at that moment, IT STARTS TO RAIN. Really slow at first, but it slowly intensifies. We keep the books under the tree to prevent them from getting wet, and we ourselves stand underneath the rain and start dancing again.

And at that moment we knew everything was going to be alright and we both would be with each other forever and that the world was going to be alright no matter what.

~ The End ~

P.S I added *name* instead of our actual names. I don't think you'd want your personal details on the internet.

"Fairy tales do not tell children the monsters exist. Children already know that monsters exist. Fairy tales tell children the monsters can be killed."

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