You're Happy

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Hiii, I'm so glad you opened this letter. I'm glad that you're happy and are having a good day. Oh, how I wish I was there to see the light in your beautiful eyes and see you be adorable.

Anyway, if you're ecstatic, it's better to appreciate the moment and enjoy it. Maybe share your happiness with your loved ones, your friends, your pet, or just keep it to yourself and enjoy it. After all, you deserve it.

You make me feel so warm inside and because of you I'm becoming a much better person and that's due to all of your love and support. It's so good to have you here. We have both been through a lot in our lives. Honestly, if it was not for all the stuff I have been through, I may have never met you. You get me. You love me for me. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

Bye, I love you so much.
Now go and have the best day of your life.

"The moment you stop caring is the day you start living,"

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