You're feeling lonely

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TW: Swearing.

Hey, you're probably sitting alone in the dark, wishing you were in someone's company. Instead, you're reading this, all by your lonesome.

Existing is scary and really hard. It's super easy to feel lonely and unwanted in this enormous world, but here's a thought, you don't need anyone. You're enough for yourself. Besides, if the universe didn't want you here, you wouldn't be here. Life's hard, but you got this. I believe in you.

I'm going to let you in on a secret, though: You're never truly alone. I know how cliché this sounds, but it is the absolute truth. Whether or not you believe it, people care about you. You are an irreplaceable beautiful soul, and people love you. It may be hard to believe it, but it is true. You are not alone.

I know things feel really tough right now. You're lonely, down in the dumps, and it feels like this heaviness will weigh you down forever. Remember that feelings are visitors. They come, and they go. I promise things will get better and that you will be okay.

You know that you always have me, right?

Random snippets of me expressing how much I love you to convince you aren't alone.

"Funny how someone miles away can make me happier than everyone near me."

"Very random, but I just wanted to remind you how much I love you and that you're the best friend anyone would ever wish for."

"Thank you for saving me and being there with me and just being such an amazing person overall and especially such a fucking awesome friend. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I couldn't be more grateful. You're the coolest person with the best music and film/series taste and such a beautiful personality, and I'm ready to delete any waste of oxygen from existence if they think otherwise."

"They don't know how fucking lucky they are to have you in their life. I wish I could tell everyone how fun you are and sit with you during lunch and stuff. No, your opinions matter so much. You can tell me all about your opinions on the random-est things."

"You're my soulmate and my kindred spirit, and there's no one like you. You saved my fucking life even when you live half the world away. Tell me who else can do that? You don't need to be a maths genius to be awesome. You're great at so many things other than that. You don't need to be perfect at everything. You're my English genius. Fuck maths. Who even needs maths? Like never in your life will you be like 'alright, what's the angle of this random triangle.'"

"YOU'RE THE SMARTEST PERSON I KNOW. Tell me one more person who writes like you, who loves like you, reads like you, gives compliments like you? No one, you're the only one, you're fucking perfect."


As you said, we're kindred spirits. I'll never leave my kindred spirit, now, will I?

"On the days you don't know what to choose, choose your mental health, choose yourself."

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