{24}Nobody likes Candles.

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"Everyone's cold it's like 40 degrees out here."

Oliver nodded, "Maybe you should've worn something thicker." Letting go of his hand, Oliver went behind him and draped his arm over the boy's shoulders, letting his head rest soundly in the crook of his neck.

There was a small part of him that worried about others from school spotting them. But Addison couldn't help but hold on to Oliver's forearms as he melted into his touch, enjoying the warmth and the snug feeling of Oliver's soft cheek on his. 

This is how they stumbled through the chaos. Addison didn't know how long they were walking before he finally murmured, "Where are we going?" 

"I don't know. Just wanted to walk around, let you see how good you did setting up."

"I could have done better."

"Why do you say that?" Oliver held him closer as a group of kids rushed past.

"I feel like this isn't my best work. I wish I could have done more, but it's hard to do more when people don't put in the work, you know?"

"Addison, you put your all into this festival. Anyone can tell."

"I just wish more people put in the work. Maybe it would have been better."

"You did great. Look around, these kids love it. Fuck everyone else, they're selfish." Oliver squeezed him tighter before letting him go. His absence sent a pang of disappointment through Addison, but he quickly brushed it off and sobered up.

"Yeah." He surveyed their surroundings. The orange string lights encircled the people, who busied themselves with the games and entertainment at each kiosk. Then his eyes wandered to Oliver, who was handing his money to a lady at her booth. He smiled as he took the cup of gelato from her hands and turned back to Addison.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Let's go find somewhere to sit," Oliver looped their arms.

"You are so weird." Addison chuckled. "We should be at our booth like everyone else."

After finding a seat and sitting across from each other Oliver popped open the gelato. "Guess what?" He murmured with a grin.


"I talked to Jordan," He drawled on, spooning the treat, "and he said that his mom wants you to have the candles since you love them so much."

Addison's face lit up. "Really? Thank you."

"Don't thank me, thank her. But you're welcome, that's what friends are for. Now open up." He held a spoonful of gelato up to his mouth.

"You are not feeding me."

"Come on! Don't you want to be the main character for once?" Oliver teasingly tapped his mouth with the spoon.

Addison dragged a breath before swiftly giving in. Oliver shoved the spoon into his mouth.

"What, do you want to choke me or something?"

"If that's something you're willing to try-"

"-Oliver. Stop being disgusting and feed me."


Whoever's idea it was to have gelato in 40-degree weather deserves to get a knife shoved up their ass.

Addison was freezing, and Oliver seemed to love it.

"It's so fucking cold out here. What time is it gonna be over?" Addison sat back in their booth comfortably cuddled up in Oliver's arms. Not because he wanted to, but because he needed the warmth.

"You decided to eat ice in the cold, not me."

Addison looked up at him and frowned, "You set me up. Now that I think of it, you didn't eat one bite."

"Nope." Oliver grinned. "It was my devious plan to get you all close to me." He wrapped his arms around the boy and squeezed him tighter.

"Stop." Addison laughed, "I can't fucking breathe."

Oliver drew a single hand away, pulled his face up by the chin, and attached their lips. Addison quickly reciprocated, setting his hand softly on the boy's cheek.

"Can you guys please stop spreading herpes for one minute?" Gabe groaned, "God it's like every time I see you, you guys are a second away from fucking. It's scarring."

Oliver pulled away and sighed in annoyance, "And here I thought Autumn could get you away for a few hours."

"She ditched me for her friends," Gabe muttered walking into the booth. He pushed Addison off the bench and sat next to his brother. "I don't think the dick pics worked."

"What the fuck-" Addison stopped mid-sentence when Oliver gave him a warning glance. Saying, 'Play nice' "I mean...I'm sorry, Gabe. That sucks."

"Yeah. And imagine my heartbreak when I come here for some cheering up but instead get you guys' relationship rubbed in my face."

"We don't have a relationship," Oliver murmured.

"Ok fine, you guys' friendship. Either way, it sucks."

"The festival's about to be over, wanna help us clean up?" Addison clapped his hand on the boy's shoulder, only to be shoved off.

"No. What the hell kind of cheering up is that?"

Oliver laughed, "The fact that you think you have a choice, shows how much you don't know Addison."

"He's right, you were gonna help either way. I just wanted to sound nice about it."

They spent the next 30 minutes cleaning up the park. Throwing away candy wrappers and plastic cups. Gabe found himself a little joy by finding lost money lying on the ground.

Once everything was thoroughly picked up, they started breaking down their booth and loading up the candles. Something Addison's been waiting to do ever since Oliver told him he could keep them.

"They're so cute," Addison gushed, putting the last one in a bag. "Aren't they cute?"

Gabe snorted, "Who the fuck likes candles?"

"Who the fuck likes you?" He bit back.

 Oliver came up behind them and sighed, " Don't tell me a 14-year-old boy got you worked up."

"Shut up. He talked shit about the candles."

"They're trash, along with the packaging. But if you like it, I love it." Oliver wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"I did the packaging, asshole." Addison pushed him off with a scowl.

"Really? And here I thought you were good with your hands. Guess I was wrong."

"I can redeem myself if you give me a chance," Addison whispered.

 Gabe grimaced."I heard that you perve. You guys are disgusting." 


They're so cute:) Can't wait to ruin it<333

There will be smut next chapter. Practically a whole chapter...so...good luck with that.

Thank you guys so much for reading<333

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