Broken Lumen

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I didn't know how I got here...

My breathing became uneven as I was laying on the bed, unable to tear my eyes away from the man that was leering down at me. I could feel my arms strained above me, but didn't dare look away from him to see why I couldn't move them...not even an inch.

No, I couldn't look away from him --


His empty and obsessive gaze landed onto my panic-stricken eyes, practically taunting me to look away – to lower my guard for even a fraction while he took advantage of my compromised state. I was unable to break eye contact from him even though I desperately wanted was as though my eyes were permanently locked with his.

Fear – he always scared me.

I was forced to stare into his eyes as the fear consumed me like a hungry monster feasting for the first time. I could only breathe, but even that was hard to do as I felt severely scrutinized under his stare – I felt useless and compared myself to a bug that had gotten caught into the web of a spider.

I was able to see the dark intent that lingered in his dark colored, familiar orbs.

He was going to hurt me – he was going to make me pay for running from him.

I began to cry mercilessly and uncontrollably at that instant, my emotions turning on full blast – I knew that it wouldn't do any good aside from making me feel like crap in the end. A few whimpers escaped from what felt like a closed up throat.

He was too sadistic and apathetic to even care about my mental state or the emotions that I was currently expressing.

I was well aware that my tears turned him on – he had practically said so in the past -- and I was unable to stop them.

Tears trailed down my face as I tried to pull my arms down in an attempt to make myself more guarded...

They were yanked back by something strong. It was at that moment that my sense of feel kicked in as well.

I slowly looked up, finally able to tug my eyes away from Evan, to see both of my wrists were secured to the headboard of the bed with sturdy industrial black chains. I couldn't help but let out a shuddering whimper at my current predicament. I examined my bruising wrists that had been decorated in these chains and I couldn't help it when a loud and wailing sob escaped from me.

I pulled helplessly against the restraints. They had been wrapped around my wrist three times before moving to cover the rest of my arms. They traveled halfway up my forearm before moving back down to the wrist again.

There was no way I could get out of this myself.

I wasn't going anywhere.

Evan took a threatening step towards me – I could see it out of my peripherals. His footstep echoed loudly in the room, which only caused my nerves to become unsettled. The sudden feeling of needing to flee overcame me and I began to tremble.

I was mentally building myself up to struggle against him. I took in a shaky deep breath and attempted to move my body, twisting and turning it, but the chains that held me in place would not move. I was desperate to get away from his lingering gaze – to not have him touch me.

It didn't matter if I just got to the other edge of the bed – anywhere would have been better than where I was. I didn't want to be situated in the middle of the bed, not being able to move anywhere else – to be front and center waiting for Evan to start his torture on me.

It was as though I were a centerpiece that was strictly just for him -- a dessert that was ready to be devoured.

He was now standing directly at the bedside while I laid helpless, unable to do anything except cry. Letting out a choked, feeble sob, my eyes quickly landed onto his body as he sat down. He did it ever so painstakingly slowly, and I watched him, holding in a breath as he got onto the bed. The bed creaked from his action, only affirming the fact that he was too close to me.

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