Ultimatum Nodus

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English Translation: Ultimate Difficulty


Monday Morning, August 21st -- 11:30 am

I stared at the analog clock hanging on the wall waiting for lunch to start – as soon as it did I was going to run as quickly as I could away from Evan. I wouldn't stop until I reached my car that was residing in the parking lot. 

Then, I would drive home like a mad woman and beg my mom to send me to Canada with my aunt and cousin.

There was no way that I was going to let Evan continue doing what he wants-!

A hand found its way onto my thigh and then traveled downwards. I tensed as I gripped the hand quickly with my shaky hands. I did my best to not look at him. I tried to not even acknowledge his existence as I kept away all the unwanted memories from last year that unwillingly crawled into my mind.





He wouldn't touch me-!

I couldn't let him do this to me-!

"Nat..." Evan whispered over to me. 

We were in AP Chemistry and I was forced to sit at the same table as him. When we had entered the classroom, he dragged me to one of the lab benches that were in the back of the room. I didn't have a say since I was still shaken up from our encounter back in the hallway.

I stilled as his warm, vile breath touched my ear. 

"Let me touch you or..." Evan trailed out, lowering his voice even more. 

His hand tightened threateningly on my thigh. I was very aware of just where his hand was and how dangerously close it was to another area of mine. The touch was threatening and promising at the same time --

"I'm going to punish you later..." Evan spoke in a tone that only I would be able to hear.

I debated mentally quickly on what would happen if I refused to listen to him-- I didn't know what his 'punishment' would entail. 

I wasn't too keen on finding out, either. 

It was clear that I was losing the mental power to fight against him. I never stood a chance in overpowering him and he was going to do what he wanted regardless of how I felt --

I had no consent – I didn't have a choice.

The moment that I knew I was losing power began to...terrify me.

My eyes teared up as I slowly brought my heavy hand away from his, accepting defeat for the time being. I still didn't look at him, even as the seconds passed -- I didn't want to admit to myself that this was happening -!

"Put your hands on the table and out of the way," Evan instructed lightly.

My hands were trembling madly and I slowly placed them on top of the table. They gripped the edge of the table tightly as my nails dug relentlessly into its sleek surface. I realized that it served as my anchor...to help with my nightmare becoming a reality

Or...was it being used as an outlet-?

His hand went up to my jeans and then slowly started to undo them, cutting off my train of thought. I flinched as I felt his cold fingers now touching the skin of my thigh in a teasing manner. 

His thumb -- I could feel his thumb making circular movement along it. 

I held my breath. 

Amissis ImperiumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora