MIC CHECK 1...2...3...

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"Mother?" I ask her dunking my chocolate chip cookie in milk.


"Why do you think grandpa chose me to take after father?" She looks at me dropping her cookie in the plate which means I got her complete attention.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he could've chosen Grace too she would have done great and maybe better than me. What did he see in me?" She doesn't answer my question and another thought pops in my head, "Or was it because he felt guilty that he couldn't do anything for his brother and he saw similar circumstances here and to correct his past mistake he decided to do so..."

Yes, once when the entire family was sitting together I said that I was ready to take the responsibility but I was barely eleven then and who would make a decision based on what a kid says.

"Your grandfather was a wise man. His decisions were always practical." She says picking on the cookie crumbs on the white platform "He did not go through all of that only for his brother or to make you the princess. He wanted every child in this kingdom to feel like home. His theory was that... if an adopted child can take over the throne of a kingdom and make a place for themselves in people's hearts then every child could do that get whatever they want along with a message to the people who did not have children or weren't able to. If a king and queen can adopt a child and take care of them as their own anyone can do it."

"So does that mean I don't have anything special in me..." I couldn't feel more dejected.

"No...no" She says taking my hand in hers, "Your grandfather saw it you. You had the courage to stand for the right and ability to make people listen your voice. Your manners though sometimes are not always how they ought to be but that is who you are. You do you and never just let anyone walk all over you. He saw a leader in you, child..."

"So you think I will be good at this?"

"From what I have seen and what I am seeing right now from a couple of days... I believe you'll do better than good."

"Thank you..." I don't know how much this helped me but if my grandfather thought so I might have something in me.

"So what are we doing today?" Grace asks me in her most enthusiastic voice and I almost run into her camera.

"I am still in my pajamas and waiting for my makeup artists to arrive." I say trying to pick up a macron from the box.

"What is all that for?"

"Today we are going for my coronation..." I say biting into a vanilla macron "and it's a very hectic day... I am nervous but very sure to give my best" She snatches the macron from my hand and walks away. "Hey!" I yell but the macron is already gone.

Jen enters my room followed by two women dressed in black pantsuits. They look more like secret agents.

"Let's get your hair and makeup done asap!"

I ask the makeup artists to follow me to my closet area but Grace and Jen tail me there as well.

"Hi Jen!" Grace's excitement knows no bounds.

"Oh hey! What you doin?" Even before Grace could answer her, "Are you recording all this?"

"Yeah." I see Grace in the mirror nodding frantically at Jen. "That's fantastic!"

Last five days were mad. There was so much to explain and so much to cover. But the media people can be the worst. Someone even said that I got jealous of my own sister so I came back to take the crown. But all that did not matter when the people of my kingdom welcomed me with open arms. They sent so many cards and gifts it was unexpected from them because I thought they might not trust me because of what all happened but when I read their notes and how they understood the situation and lay their trust in me and believe in me which makes me feel confident and nervous at the same time. I have to work for them too they will be my responsibility.

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