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"Okay you stay here..." I hide them behind the large Christmas tree in the foyer, "Perfect, right here, I will be back in a jiffy"

I run to the ballroom where Adam, Jen and Max are directing the final touches and to say that Adam has a vision would be an understatement.

"Adam!" I yell but don't get any response, frustrated I call for him again, "Adam!" and this time the entire room turns for me including the staff.

He comes running towards me. "What happened? Is everything alright?"

"NO..." I say panting and widen my eyes for the dramatic effect.

"Please tell me that the quartet is coming..."

"Yes, they are coming of course." I try to calm him down, "But there is something else you need to see..." He looks on, "come I'll show you..."

The foyer is empty when we reach there Max and Jen seem to have followed us out too.

"Everything seems alright here," he says circling around in the same place

"No something is wrong over there, with that..." I say pointing the humungous Christmas tree.

"Let me see..." he says and I let him walk alone. I look at Jen and Max who look completely dumbfounded. I didn't tell them. I clap my hands when I see him frozen to his spot but he looks at me like I lost my last two brain cells as well.

"You think something is wrong with Nicholas?"

Everything is wrong with that guy but where did he come from. I march in his direction see Nicholas standing there. He looks at me the same way Adam did. 

Dead last two brain cells.

"Move..." I tell him and he comes and stands next to me. "Adam you might want to look a little on your right." He walks towards them and freezes and this time I am sure it's them.

I hear the two kids squeal "daddy!" loudly and my lips automatically curve upwards. I stand behind Adam and looking their faces I understand how is it to see your close ones even if it's for a small time.

"How? Like how did you get here?" I hear him asking his wife. She looks over his shoulder. He turns on his heel and gives me a cheeky smile.

"No need for that look, Nicholas arranged to get them here, I just made a suggestion." I say shifting on my foot.

He walks to us and takes me and Nicholas both into a large hug.

"Best Christmas present ever guys..."

i see Nicholas smiling his crooked smile and his eyes gleaming I would have melted there and then if Adam wasn't holding me.

Wait! Why am I thinking like this? Yes I like romantic but I don't think like this. Ewww! Or is it that comes naturally? To notice the tiniest detail about someone when you...I always thought that it was just the movies that showed such things and I also have seen it but I never believed it could happen to me really, not with all the baggage that comes with me.

I look at Jen and Max chatting to Lana and the kids as Adam breaks the hug.

"I think you should take the day off go out enjoy do whatever you want... we will see you at the ball" Before Adam could respond he interrupts. Of course.

"Excuse me? I think you are forgetting who the boss here is...?" Nicholas says cocking an eyebrow at me. I turn ninety degrees crossing my arms so that I face him completely.

"You were going to say something different? Your Highness" I say crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him.

"No...but..." He said blankly and I turn around to Adam, "No? Okay so it's decided you take a two day break and enjoy. Jen and I will handle the rest of the things." I call his wife who was talking to Jen, "Hey Lana! Take him away and boys don't let your father out of your sight..."

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