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"Shusshhhhhhh!!!!!" I say a placing a finger on my lips.

"Your Highness, how are you?" says a deep voice

"Uncle Jeff how many times have I told you? It's either Avery or Ava for you. No Princess, no your Royal Highness. You get that?" I look into his black eyes.

Mr. Jefferson comes and sits next to me.

"Honestly not good. I don't know how everything is going to turn out over there. What if someone recognizes me? and things again go downhill and matters worsen even more. I had taken that step for a reason and what if it all goes in vain? I haven't gone through all of that for no good. I could have gone to jail for god's sake if would have got caught with a fake identity, I don't understand how in the world could I have managed it without you," I feel the plane tilt a bit. We might have taken a turn.

It feels good letting out things that you have been keeping to yourself for what feels like an eternity.

"Avery, listen to me," he pats my head in an effort to calm me down. "When I am with you no one can lay a hand on you, going to jail is not on the table. Okay child?" I nod wiping my eyes with the back of my hands.

He continues, "If you are thinking about people there recognizing you, rest assured you have been fooling people around you since past two years you have changed yourself completely. There will be no chance of them recognizing you." I keep on nodding like a small puppy.

"Have you been removing your contacts from time to time?" He asks looking at my eyes.

"Yes, I take them off most of the nights and also when Jen's not at home." I pause, touching my hair I say, "Although... my hair has gone wild I hope someday I could get them repaired." He laughs and his eyes crinkle at the sides.

This man has been my father's shadow from ever since I remember. He wasn't ready at first to take such a risk. But he did it for my father; he took me under his wing.

"I miss them terribly." I say finally.

"I know you do. They miss you too. I have seen it. Every time they ask me if I was able to track you somewhere I have to lie to them. They were miserable when you left..." Tears roll down my eyes but along with them also my longing for my parents come rolling down my cheeks.

"I know you feel bad." His face falls I think he is fighting his tears so that I have someone to lean on, remain strong.

"Did you find out who could have done this?" he asks me.

"NO. Not yet." I answer

I know. It was Nicholas.

Or so you think. My heart says. He couldn't have done this. Shut it! I think to myself.

"I think you have had enough of my melodrama for today." I say and try to smile.

"I can never ever get enough of your melodrama."

"Thank you." My laugh comes out more like a snort.

"When I sent you the message previously I thought you won't be able to make it." I tell him standing up.

"I could never disappoint the Princess. Now go to sleep you only have a few hours time with you."

"Good Night," I wish him as he leaves, feeling a bit relieved now.

As I tip toe to the bedroom I see the door is left ajar, but I had closed it. I think. Also the lights are on. There is definitely something wrong. As I enter I see Jen sitting on the bed with her arms and legs crossed, hair open looking directly at me. Is she alright? It's only 4:30 a.m. and we still have six hours of the journey left.

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