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"A very eventful first day at work huh?" says Jen.

"Indeed." I say closing the door behind me.

"I am going to get the boxes out to the trash. Let's change and have ice cream later?"

I nod.

I go to my tiny room freshen myself, slip into my pajamas and pull my hair into a bun, dragging my feet to the kitchen; I scoop ice cream into two large bowls and take them to the sitting room. Jen was still in her room so I put on the T.V. and keep on changing the channels but nothing worth watching. So I put it off and go back to eating my ice-cream. Jen comes and slumps down next to me on the couch, take her bowl and dumps a dollop of ice cream in her mouth..

"A tell me what would you do if a Prince asks you out?"

I stop while taking another bite and my spoon hangs in air and my ice cream melts.

"Nicholas asked you out?"

She drops her spoon in the bowl and laughs.

"No silly." I sigh and put the spoon in my mouth. "Max did." I choke.

"Whaa...aht?!?! Wh..e..en? Too..ugh..oday?"choked words come out from my mouth as se rubs my back.

"No... not today two months ago."

"You never mentioned this to me."

"Stop being so whiny." She answers chuckling,

"But I am your best friend."

"I am telling you now."

"Then tell me everything." I demand.

"Remember the last office party?"

"Yes." I say nodding slowly.

"I was introduced to him there the first time. Both Nicholas and him were there. We chatted for a while and he asked me if I wanted to go out with him sometime."

My eyes widen.

"You went with him?"

"NO!" her face reddens. "I denied. It was just a few months I had joined and I would never ever go out with my boss's brother and that too if he is a Prince. My reputation, my job matter to me more than anything else."

I didn't realize that I was holding my breath. My shoulders fall after I hear the answer I wanted to hear.

"Good, good. That was a very wise decision."

"But, today when I saw him again the thought of what if I had said yes that evening, kept on running in my mind...he is so handsome..." I cut her off, "I know that he can be charming and can impress you with his witty talks, but my suggestion, don't waste your time on these vague thoughts and he is prince with which comes heart break."

"Of course I won't." She places her hand on mine reassuringly. I give her a faint smile.

"Tell me what?"


"Why were you so nettled with Nicholas today? I mean from the moment you met him you were nasty with him and you who looks the world through her rose glasses were not elated about a prince asking me out but horrified about it."

I don't meet her eyes and get busy with my ice-cream. I don't want to answer this question.

"A. I am talking to you." I raise my eyes from the bowl and she raises her brows at me.

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