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We have been looking here for that something for about an hour now. But there is nothing that looks suspicious, checked everywhere, the closet, under the bed, behind the tapestry and even the bathroom.

"There is nothing here." Jen says finally.

"But there must be." Nicholas insists.

He is desperate and hopeful that we might find something and has been frantically looking all around the room, every nook and corner. I had forgotten how huge my room was. It could easily fit a party of fifty people. I like to keep things simple yet nice so my room is more about sheer white curtains, silk bed sheets, pastels and picture frames and sofa chairs. I never liked the peacock tapestry though but my grandfather said that it is necessary to have one, it's a family thing.

"Maybe we can come back later and see," Max suggests and we all agree with him.

"I'll get the ornaments."

"You know where they are?" Nicholas stops at door while leaving.

"Yeah. I saw the box inside the closet."

"Do you need a hand?" He asks.

"No. I'll be fine. Just let me know if you see the Duke doing anything suspicious." He nods and leaves.

I take a right and enter into the walk-in closet. It is how I had left it maybe even well set. How I wish I could get into one of my dresses and heels and just walk around. Not the right time to do it I think, and grab a small table from behind the door. As soon as I climb on it the wooden floor beneath creaks. I ignore it and pull out the box. All the things inside rattle a little but I put it down safely and keep the stool back.

When I go back pick up the box the plank had come out of its place a little so I try to stick it back but it doesn't and when I hit it hard with the heel of my boots the entire plank comes out.

Good job Ava.

I bend down to fix it and spot something inside the hollow that the plank left, a tattered piece of paper, a tiny one at that.

I bring it out and dust it, the particles float in the air causing me to sneeze. Is this what the duke was looking for?

My heart beat increased as I unfolded it. It is monogrammed and has my grandfather's initials on it. GW for Graham Wellington. The ink on it is little faded but I manage to read it.

Even though you are the closest to what you need the most, you cannot be any farther away from it.

This is the key to the puzzle that is only for you.

'Your home is where your family is.'

- Grandpa

What does this mean? I mean why would the Duke want something like this? And why would grandpa hide a note in here? And what puzzle? My phone vibrates in my jeans' pocket and I almost drop the box from my hand. It was Adam calling asking me to come down asap.

"I'll be down in a moment. I'm so sorry." This man has been working his ass off. Maybe I'll ask Nicholas to get his wife and kids here for the Christmas ball next week. He deserves that much. I pocket my phone and look at the note again. It says this is a puzzle for me and me only. I cannot tell about this to anyone but I will need a backup so Jen knows about it but if she knows Max will know too and I am okay with that. But Nicholas stays out of it.

I understand that he wants to help my family but I cannot forget how he drove me away and broke my trust. I know we didn't like each other but I trusted him with my life. I don't understand what he is actually. I brush off those thoughts and go down.

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