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Bang. Bang. Bang.

Loud banging on my door wakes me up from my sleep. I see my alarm it's 8:30 in the evening.

"What do you want Jen?" I grumble in my sleep

"Open the door at once. Now or else this plank of wood would be on the floor." she says threatening and I stand up at once.

I open the door and see her standing in her pink pajamas both her hands on her waist, her black hair in all the directions and her cheeks flushed with anger.

"What dreamland were you in.? I have been banging at the door for like five minutes." She says angrily.

"What's the matter? Why do you like an angry pumpkin?" A loud yawn escapes my lips.

"The Samuelson Wedding."

"What about that?" I ask fully awake now.

"Vanessa got cold feet." Her voice comes out strained.

"What?" horror is audible in my voice and visible on her face.

"She said that she is too young to be married and settle down."

"She realizes that today. After months..." Words fail me.

"...of changing every little detail every day." She says in a exasperated tone.

"Did you talk to Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson?"

"Yes I did. They tried talking to her but she won't fucking open the door to her room." She pulls her hair.

Ishhhh... the F bomb. I flinch. She looks like a mad hen.

"Everything is done and ready for tomorrow morning. Her wedding favors single handedly cost more than our year's salary combined. The food will be delivered tomorrow morning the music is all set up. The fireworks show everything needs to be cancelled." She slumps at my door.

Ouch. I get that.

"Her fiancé, did he speak to her?" I suggest.

"Everyone has tried but she doesn't open that damned door. She is not five for god's sake." She rolls her eyes.

"Have you spoken to Adam?"

"Noooooooo", she looks even more terrified now.

"Then call him." I push her out of the door and we sink into the couch in the living room.

"I knew something like this was bound to happen. The women couldn't even pick out between white satin or white linen." She mutters under her breath while dialing Adam's number.

"Put it on speaker." I tell her.

On the third ring he picks up the phone.

"Hey, wassup?"

"Hi, You know about the Samuelson Wedding right?"

"Of course I do. It's tomorrow right?" Jen twiddles her thumbs in her lap.

"It was." She says carefully. I cross my fingers waiting for his reply.

"What do you mean by it was?" I could literally picture his face even though I have met him just yesterday. His eyebrow must be out of his forehead and face white as paper.

"Vanessa got cold feet and they are calling off the wedding" She breaks the news and shuts her eyes tight and her nose gets all scrunched up.


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