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The landing might have been smooth but the road ahead is going to be rocky. The airport is empty and our bags are being carried to the car.

I breathe the mountain air and smell of pine hits my nose the feeling of being home my actual home hits me so hard my eyes start burning as the cold air nips my skin. I blink several times to leave the sensation behind, pulling on my sweater sleeves to cover my palms I walk towards the car.

By the time I catch up with others Adam and Mr. Jefferson have already left in the first car. The rest of us are supposed to follow them.

"Come on, get into the car quickly." Max pushes me into the car and I fall next to Nicholas.

"Max! Watch out!" I yell at him.

As soon as he sits in the engine roars and we zoom off. The winding roads lined with clusters of pine trees and with every turn of the wheels we are inching closer to the place I once called home. The fear in me increases and therefore in an attempt to avoid those weird thoughts I close my eyes trying to shut down my overworking brains.

The next time I open my eyes the view is hazy a mix of cream and black. It takes a few moments for things to come into focus. The seats in front of me are empty and tilted. What? Where are Max and Jen?

"We are here," I hear Nicholas as whispers lightly to me. I must have slept and was leaning on Nicholas's shoulder. Shoot! I sit up straight and mumble an apology.

"We are here." He repeats and I look out of the window.

We really are here, on the grounds of the Royal Palace. I look back and wish that I had never come back here through those ginormous iron gates. Will opens the door for me and the sense of nostalgia hits me. I've missed this place so much. I get down and see the towering building straight out of a fairy tale, simple yet ornate. The circular towers pointing high up towards the sky where the stars now twinkle. The water gushing from the large marble fountain behind me is the only source of noise besides the chirping of night insects. The car turns around the large circular entry way and vanishes through the gates.

Someone comes and stands next to me. It's Jen.

"Everything's going to be alright. No one is going to recognize you. Okay?"

"But it's my family, what if I do something that they recognize?"

"You won't. You are a strong person A." she gives me reassuring smile and holds my hand. I nod at her and set my first step on the red rugged marble staircase lined with statue.

It feels like an eternity when I stand in front of the open grand wooden doors that paved the way inside the palace. Two chaperons stand there in their blue and white uniforms to welcome us. We stand sandwiched between Will who stands behind us and Max and Nicholas ahead of us. They curtsey the two princes and welcome us all in.

Nothing has changed.

"His Royal Majesty and the Queen await your arrival," one of them says and my feet buckle on the spot Jen tugs me forward along with her.

They want to meet us right now. They want to see us. My grip on Jen's hand gets even tighter. We walk down the long passage way leading to the sitting room. The marble beneath my feet squeaks as Jen keeps on dragging me. Adam and Mr. Jefferson must be in already.

Everything from the crystal chandeliers hanging above us to the carved marble pillars in white and gold on both the sides of the corridor look the same. We stop in center of the large circular foyer close to the entrance of the sitting room and wait for the chaperon to announce our arrival.

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