[12]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World

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[12]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World


After the conversation with Lauren, CJ starts planning on ways to flush the Raiders out without having to put too many people in danger. Because like it or not, he knows that he's going to have to do something he doesn't want to do, and it'll be too much for him. Lauren's right, this is a fight he cannot win just with himself, MacCready, and Aila. He has power, he just needs to buy time and exercise it.

From what Gage said, the 3 Raider gangs have a very uneasy alliance with one another, practically in shambles. So CJ's job is to unite them and flush out any rebellions or revolutions that come his way. Though, he's not so sure if Gage is really on the Raider side or his own side. That information would be really useful and CJ needs time to get it. He's also not so sure who in what gang has alliances with who in another gang, also some useful information. As stupid as it sounds, he might ask a favor or two from the slaves around, and have them keep their ears open to any Raider gossip.

There are so many ways to go about this, so many ways to deal with this, and all of them have a lengthy list of risks.

Second of all, CJ needs to work on himself. How is he going to be a convincing-enough Overboss to the Raiders while he buys time to wipe them out? He keeps his face covered at all times, from nose to chin, with his scarf. He needs to speak less too. Don't let his tongue get away with him. Other things? Don't be afraid to show teeth, but do it suddenly and without explanation to those who challenge him. Don't kill, make it seem like being killed is merciful in comparison to whatever he could do. And- stand up straight? Walk like he's walked into a nest of Deathclaw and they bowed to him? That sounded cringe.

CJ sighed as he stared out across the lit Nuka-Town U.S.A at night. He needs to meet with the Disciple leader, Nisha. Gage suggested the Disciples were where they started. The gang was the closest to them, living inside the hollowed-out bottle of Fizz-Top.

This is going to go awfully.

"You ready to go, Boss?" Oh right, Gage is going with him.

CJ turned towards the Raider, carefully keeping most of his expression blank, at least as best as he could. He had no idea if he was succeeding or not. "Yup, you have any idea what they're gonna want from me?" An idea of a list of demands, that is sure to come, would be just peachy.

Gage stepped into the lift just outside the Grille, shrugging, "Last I checked? Nisha wanted the Galactic Zone for herself and her Raiders. Just like the Pack, as you could guess, want to control Safari Adventure. The Operators, if I had to take a stab, would want Kiddie Kingdom." CJ snorted as he heard Aila enter the room behind him.

"Most likely because there's a castle, self-imposed pricks." Gage allowed a small smirk as he pressed the button to the lift.

"You're already startin' to know 'em, boss." CJ nodded and turned to Aila, who stared at the descending lift with a troubled expression.

"You said you wanted me for something?" Somewhere deep in his chest, CJ winced at how much it sounded like he was her boss. He really hated that idea. So he nodded with a grin.

"How do you feel about putting yourself in mortal danger to break into Nisha's personal terminal in the Disciple's HQ, to take a look at any personal info she has? I'll be keeping her busy with this, meeting, or whatever. If you can slip in through the elevator in the back restaurant and head in through the side door, could you get into her personal terminal?" Aila pursed her lips.

"Oh I could definitely get into there, but how do you know she even has one?" CJ messed with his coat sleeve as he replied.

"I actually don't. But if you can just find her room and poke around through there. That would work too." To be honest, both of them looked unsure about the plan, but Aila nodded anyway.

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