[10]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World

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[10]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World


Something about this woman made CJ feel like she wasn't being super genuine. Or, at least she had some thoughts rolling around in her head that gave her a deceitful outlook. Despite that fact, she looked like every other slave there and spoke with that same shakiness most did too. She was writing on a clipboard, probably taking inventory in what seemed to be a medicine-trade post. Whatever medicine you could pull together in a place like this anyways.

When he neared, she looked up, an expression of sharpened caution on her face as she raised her eyebrows, "Oh! Uh... hello boss! Congratulations on taking out Colter... I'm, uh... sure you'll do great." There was a note of forced confidence and reassurance in her voice like she'd rather do anything else than be congratulating him. To be honest, he'd feel the same way in her position. Either way, the fakeness of every person around him, the way they smiled in false hopes of being overlooked. It made sparks of frustration fly in his stomach.

"There's no need to congratulate me, it's not like it's done you any favors," he tells her, trying to find a steady balance between sounding not like an asshole, but getting his point across. Don't be fake with me. He knew the traders wouldn't ever let down their fake-happy guards around him. He could still hope anyway.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know you yet, boss." She paused, "that, and well... I'd be lying if I said we weren't all wondering how you'd run the place. I mean, this is your show now, you can do anything you want." No I can't, because he could do anything he wanted as long as it stayed within the bounds of relentless violence. 'Whatever he wanted' wasn't what he wanted. "You could run Nuka-World just like Colter... business as usual. Or," she stopped again, the tone of continuation in her voice suggested she wanted his attention caught and she definitely had it. A rebel. A slave that feared the Raiders but was willing to help do something about it? That's what CJ needed. That's what he would continue to keep needing if he were to save a whole plant full of people.

We're here now, there's no ignoring it even if I tried, he told himself with bitter resignation.

"Careful," he told her with a heavy tone. He pretended to look around her shop, looking at all the stimpacks and RadAways she had while one of the Disciples passed by. She stopped obediently and watched him wearily as he nodded for her to continue. She was definitely still wondering if he was going to be on his side or not. "What's your name again?"

"Uh- Mackenzie boss." Once again, a look of extreme confusion crossed a trader slave's face.

"Continue Mackenzie." So she did, her voice dipped lower, and slightly more breathy.

"You could uh, well you know... get rid of the Raiders if you don't exactly agree with how they're running the place." Now that wasn't something he expected. A rebel yes, but not one who would so boldly state or suggest a plan such as that.

CJ found himself a little impressed with her either way. Then wondered how she'd respond if he scolded her for being so bold. Or, maybe he could build up her confidence for some more conversation on this topic if he gave her a little nudge.

"Okay," he chose his words wisely. Not shooting her down but not saying anything that could make her clam up. Surprisingly, she kept going.

"Just hear me out. The gangs that call this place home, are already at each other's throats. Now, you could risk your own neck and try to keep them from tearing each other apart. Or you could do the right thing and put them in the ground." The heavy set of venom in her voice as she spoke, had him thinking she was waiting for this opportunity for a long while. His eyes trailed towards the slow blinking collar on her neck as she continued, "When it's all said and done, you're still running this place from your fancy house on the mountain over there." For some reason, CJ hates it when they remind him how much better his conditions are than theirs.

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