[6]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World

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[6]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World

Kinda sucks that it wasn't the first option, to be honest.

Lying there felt like hours, though it was never the case. It was probably just about 5 seconds or something when he heard a door open and some shouts and startled voices. He heard some cheers and boos from the other side of the glass. The pounding made him want to disappear, and he wondered again that day. Wondered if he could just lay there and hope the world would put itself on pause for him. Just a pause button, like in those video games. So he could lay there and relearn how to breathe slower than what he was already doing.

Of course, nothing good in life is ever easy. And breathing was good. Life was good too, he supposed.

So CJ dragged himself to his knees and pushed his body up. His broken, meatsack of a body. Poor body. It had to withstand the punishment for his terrible decisions. Maybe if MacCready had gone in first, then Aila wouldn't currently be taking two or three stimpacks for her definitely broken arm and cut legs from the grenades. Maybe if CJ was faster, he would've been able to save her the pain she was going through as the bones reset themselves and the cuts manually stitched back together.

Maybe if he didn't feel the need to chase the sweet nostalgia of something long gone, neither of them would be in this situation. None of them would be.

"Holy shit!" Announcer Man. "I don't... I don't even know what this means! Colter, man, he's out!" CJ was punching him. He was going to hit that man so hard. Or not, honestly, he might just get out of here after this and sleep for a couple of months and deal with the crippling self-blame he couldn't escape. "Gage, what the hell just happened?"

CJ took more steps away from the glass, a small whine starting to drag up his throat from the sheer exhaustion and pain the movements caused. He was cracking, he knew it. Everything was starting to unravel.

Then, a familiar voice called from the speakers, gruff and slightly southern with a stern interface.

"You saw it. We all saw it!" CJ can't wait to go home, to complain to Nate about how much he's never leaving his room and that he wants every raider murdered within a here to end of Boston radius. "Colter's dead." It's weird hearing it said out loud like that. A fact. He killed someone. CJ's bullet tore through that man's faulty armor and made him pay for what he did. And CJ couldn't even feel good about it. He just- really wanted to go home. He wanted to take Aila. Take RJ. And just- drag himself back to the Sanctuary. "We got ourselves a new Overboss."



He faintly heard a couple more distinct voices above the rest, ones with authority as he turned towards where Aila was being helped up by MacCready. Shock covered both of their expressions. Not a good shock either.

"This guy? Are you sure Gage?" CJ turned to Gage, hands shaking- when did he lose his rifle-? The raider wasn't even looking at him, instead, he was speaking to the crowd on the other side of the glass.

No, no. This is not what he signed up for. This is NOT what was going to happen.

A woman's voice scoffed, "You better know what the hell you're doing."

He doesn't. He has no fucking clue what's going on. He's- no, there's no way. He works for Preston. And Nate. He's a technical Minuteman. He can't be an Overboss for Raiders. That's- that's not happening. What would Preston say? What would Nate say? Would they hate him? Would they throw him out, and make him leave with disgust and betrayal in their eyes?

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