[3]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World

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[3]A Memory Turned Nightmare: Nuka-World

When CJ went to Nuka-World when he was younger, he remembers employees enthusiastically greeting them at the door to the far right of the train doors. The doorway led to a small hallway towards Nuka-World. He remembers his dad keeping his siblings close as they tried to work their way past all the people to just get out of the station. He remembers an employee with a cappy shirt on and red vest taking their tickets and giving them some ride-passes.

He remembers how bright the sun was shining that day. Like an eye before a storm.

After 10 minutes of trying to find a way out and failing, all 3 of them meet by the closed train doors once more. MacCready looks angry, rightfully, Aila looks anxious and on edge, glancing at every spot there could be a turret or opening. And CJ had his eyes mostly locked on the doorway at the far end of the station. Bits of resentment flowing in his veins at the white signs that had arrows pointing towards the opening. It was a taunt, made to get people worked up. And to be honest, it was working.

"The elevator's off and the train doors won't open, as much as I didn't expect them too." CJ grumbled, then tried to calm Dogmeat down, who was barking loudly from inside the train car. "Hold on boy." Aila sighed.

"The information desk's computer got changed, all it says is 'Welcome to the Gauntlet, hope you enjoy your stay'. Then it gives a bunch of unhelpful terminal messages from them and then errors if you click on them."

"Can't you hack it?" He asked, she shook her head.

"No you don't understand. There's no wall to get past. Nothing to hack. They didn't just lock the previous information on the computer away, they got rid of it completely and installed new information. It's like wiping a drive manually and resetting the whole thing." CJ groaned while MacCready thinned his lips.

"That sounds a bit too smart for raiders." Aila shrugged.

"I guess. Even though I don't really wanna think about it, I think we've only got one option here." She was right.

"Alright, we've survived this long," MacCready said, "I'm sure raider challenges won't be hard for us." The other two glanced at each other, took deep breaths, and then nodded, following the mercenary towards the doorway. He stopped in front of it, holding a hand out in front of both of them to stop them too, "But seriously, stay close to me." CJ huffed, but did nod to the man anyways.

"Find a way back to the Sanctuary Dogmeat," he called to the dog inside the train, who barked back in response. "We'll be fine." He had no doubts that Dogmeat would be able to make it back with how magical the mutt was.

The 3 headed down the small hallway and took two sets of stairs down into an open room, with multiple Gunner bodies lying about. It almost looked like a small gift shop. With a few counters and cash registers lining the right wall. There were some magazine stands lining the walls on the left. There was a cart or two lying on their sides. And the body of a man in the doorway entering the room. The room itself was obviously a trap. With how long it was and the bodies strewn about.

CJ reached down and searched the man, only finding an empty double-barrel shotgun nearby, 6 rounds of .38-which he grabbed-, and a note on his body.

Aila and MacCready stood guard while he read it aloud to them.

"Sykes- what an awful name-," he commented, hearing Aila let out a soft and shaky laugh, anything to make this situation better. "Sykes, you worthless, good for nothing piece of shit. Not only did you use all of my jet, you sold Fate for a lousy 100 caps to think that'd make up for it? I loved that damn minigun more than your life. You've pissed me off for the last time, I'm out. I'm done taking care of you. Good luck out there on your own. You won't last a day. From K.C."

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