Who's jealous now?

Start from the beginning

"Huh? I- do you mean Daniela? How would you know she would have a crush on me?" He asked now raising his voice a bit.

"I saw the way she looks at you Camilo. Every girl knows that look!"

"Are you Jealous?"

He asked you making you stop. "Whatever just- be more aware of her"

"You are Jealous!" He exclaimed pointing at you making you feel even more worst.

"Are you that happy that you know she has a crush on you?!" You yelled standing up. He then looked at you, rather in a annoyed expression. "How about we just forget it alright? We just had a talk because she was bored and-"

"Your avoiding the question chameleon"

It all fell silent.

"You know I only love you right? You can't be serious getting jealous over me talking to other girls-"

"Your my boyfriend Camilo of course I'd get jealous!?"

"Y'know what maybe you do need to relax alone. I'll see you tomorrow Y/n."

You felt tears coming out of your eyes but forced yourself to hold them back. It hurts even more when he didn't call you in your nickname.

He closed the door behind. You could hear Dolores and Camilo talking outside but you didn't care.

You silently sobbed in his bed. 'How could he..?'

You then remember what Mirabel said earlier.

"If he ever does something stupid after this. Then I think you should get him back"

You do know a few boys around Encanto. You wiped your tears before walking out of the room acting like nothing happened.

When you were about to walk out casita, a little hand held yours, "Y/n? Are you not sleeping here?" Antonio asked, his voice filled with worry.

"I'm sorry Antonio, but I wont be sleeping here for now.. My mom called so I need to go" You excused yourself leaving.

You kinda wished you could've slapped Camilos face when you two argued, but he will get what he deserves anyways.

"Worth a shot"


"And then- Out of nowhere Manuela went in and ate everything!" Your male friend, Alroy exclaimed making you laugh a bit.

You told Alroy about the plan, and boy he wanted to join.

"Then what happened next?" You asked checking your sling bag to see if you left something.

"OK OK then Manuela-"

"Excuse me"

A voice chimed in making both you and your friends attention to the side. Your mood dropped a bit seeing him.

"Having fun aren't ya?" Camilo asks leaning on the side crossing his arms.

"We were. Wanna listen?" Alroy says as an irk appeared by Camilos neck. You stuffed a laugh in and looked at Alroy.

Starting now.

"Alroy, have someone ever told you that you had a charming voice?"

"Never in life hermosa, but you could always be my first" He answered taking your hand before kissing it lightly.

"You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line." He says as the two of you laughed.

No words were heard from Camilo, guess that made him shut up.

It was like victory finally emerged in, it felt wonderful. Not until a hand was wrapped around your wrist, dragging you out the street.

"I'll be needing to talk to her alright, bud?" Camilo yelled before the two of you took a turn.

You were trapped in between Camilo. Both hands were on the side of your head while the two of you were in deep eye contact.

It was making you anxious.

"What's up?" You say.

"'Whats up?' Alright Mi Vida the jokes out"

"What jokes? I'm simply just talking with him becuase he was bored."

"But pick up lines doesn't seem to be just talking with a friend"

"Won't you do the same with Daniela? Or any other girls?" You rolled your eyes.

He then shifted into Alroy and mimicked "oh I'm so charming and cool that I have the guts to actually flirt with a man's girl while she enjoys"

"It was all games! Don't take it seriously"

"How? That clearly didn't look like a joke to me querida! I'll gladly tell you the difference of just friends and dating-"

"Are you jealous?"

He looks at you steadying his breath.

"What if I am?"

You couldn't say anything after that.

"I'll get jealous if another boy attempts to flirt with my Amor. And I certainly don't like it"

He lifts your face with his index finger.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel upset that night.. You did get me back so we're even?"

"Yeah I guess.."

He then wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in. He gives you endless kisses on the cheek.

"Im still not in the mood, does that Alroy boy really have a thing for you?"

"Mi Amor he's.."

You start to flip your hand up and down until Camilo realized.

"Ohh! Nonetheless your mine and mine only"

"Yesyes I'm yours" your giggled.

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