19. Battle of Vale

Depuis le début

Goodwitch: What!?

On the courtyards of Beacon, Weiss and Blake are nearly caught off-guard by the local Knights also succumbing to the virus and turning towards them, fortunately Blake reacts quickly.

Blake: Look out!

Blake managed to push Weiss aside in order to dodge incoming fire, but the Knights surround them, forcing the Schnee and the Faunus to draw their weapons.

Nearby Mimaran and Atlesian troopers suddenly find themselves getting fired upon or get into hand-to-hand combat with the Knights. All while in the middle of firefights with White Fang troops.

The Mimarans and Atlesians in Vale also are caught off guard when the Knights ahead of them turn and fire upon them.

Meanwhile, an oblivious General Ironwood, en route to his Airship on a transport, gets a nasty surprise when the Knights on his dropship suddenly activate and turn on him.

Ironwood: No!

As Ironwood reaches out, the dropship suddenly loses altitude, plummeting from the ground as two flashes can be seen from the cockpit. Ruby and the students from Amity Arena earlier, aboard an air bus to get down to Beacon, watch in horror as they see the dropship fall from the sky. Ruby decides to run to the bay doors of their Air Bus.

Coco: Ruby! What are you doing!?

Ruby then jumps off the Air Bus as it barely takes off, using her Semblance of speed to safely land on the runway after freefalling in the sky. As she runs to the landing area, she sees Mimaran troopers talking over their comms.

Mimaran: General Ironwood's transport is down! Can anyone raise him on the comms!?

Admiral Layton: Negative, until we can reestablish contact, follow the JTF chain of command.

Ruby runs to a rocket locker that landed earlier to provide the students their weapons. She punches in the code, latches on with Crescent Rose, and immediately takes to the skies, landing on top Roman's stolen airship with a thud.

Roman: Ugh... go see what that is.

Neo simply nods at Roman's command, and leaves the control room.


All across Beacon Academy, various students battle the many Creatures of Grimm: Jaune is charging at an Ursa then delivers a slash that knocks it back, while Neon rollerblades away from a Boarbatusk. Coco opens fire on a Griffon as it lands, while Arslan is seen fighting an Ursa Major before it runs off to attack Nora, who fires at it with her grenade launcher. Ren is firing his guns at a retreating Beowolf before it drops dead.

Neptune shoots down a a pair of Knights before a Paladin comes into his view and charges at him.

Neptune: Uh oh

He quickly dodges an attack before returning shots at the rogue mech. However, it smacked him away and Neptune dropped his weapon. He tried to reach for it but the Paladin prepared to stomp on him. Neptune closed his eyes as he braced for it, but then two golden Sun Wukongs hit the Paladin in the front and pushed it back.

Neptune: Huh?

Followed by that, he sees Yang jump over him with her hair on fire as she punches the Paladin, shattering the front armor of the mech. A group of Knights then run over to her and Neptune but then Sun dashes past Yang towards the robots and started destroying them with his bo staff before switching to his gunchucks. After quickly dealing with the hacked robots, Sun looks over at Yang and smirks.

Sun: Awesome teamwork, Yang.

Yang smiles before she runs off to help the other students. Sun walks up to Neptune, who was still on the ground in surprise.

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