Ah fuck! I hope she doesn't feel my hard on.

Our eyes lock. I stare at her eyes, seeing a spark of excitement in them. I feel an unsettling feeling that I somehow enjoy. My face heats up, as she continues to just look at me. "What's wrong? Scared?" She laughs and I feel challenged. I sit up straight with her still straddling me, gripping onto her hip.

I throw my head back hoping that my hard on isn't visible. The thought of this being lust crosses my mind, but it's not. This is what I need. I need her. I need her under me, kissing me, fucking me. My hand trails up her spine until it rests on the back of her neck. "Scared of you? Please, star." My lips tug up into a smile.

"You should be. I train everyday to take down people like you." She pulls back, placing her hands on her hips. I raise a single eyebrow, not amused. Indra notices it before pushing me back down. "If I prove it you, this can never happen again." She slurs.

She doesn't want me like I want her. I can't do this. "You're drunk Indra." I stand up with her, placing her onto her bed. "I'll prove it to you next time." She screams as I take off her shoes and cover her with the blanket.

I smile down at her as she yawns. "Bye, bye my Luke." She smiles, snuggling into her pillow before falling asleep. I open her door with one foot out. "Bye, star." I shut the door behind me, still thinking about her smile.


I haven't stopped thinking about her on me. Her hips, her thighs, her lips. She wanted to prove it to me. I wanted her and I still want her. She's a beauty. A goddess. She makes me go crazy.

She's like a drug and I'll happily get addicted to her. I'll get so addicted I'll maybe even overdose.

As I sit here in this party with Atlas beside me, we try to find something to do. Honestly I don't even know the host. All I am aware of is that we were invited. The drink in my hand contains something I don't even know what this is either. Multiple people coming in, a lot of them dancing to the music or getting really drunk.

I scan the room looking for someone I know. Finally I spot someone. Her hair is blonde and her eyes blue. I have seen that blonde hair before, but not the face. I swear I have seen her before. I instantly notice the girl she is talking to. My Indra.

She's wearing the black dress and her converse that are so worn out you probably can't even tell the color anymore. She stands out of the crowd for me. A drink is in one hand and in the other... a hand. That hand is connected to that son of a bitch named Ethan. I was kind of hoping he would have to go to work tonight and not attend the party.

I watch as she walks through the crowd. She lets go of his hand, leaving the blonde girl and Ethan behind. She stops walking, swaying her hips to the music. I keep an eye on her as she has found her way back to Ethan.

The blonde girl is still following her.

"You guys wanna play spin the bottle?" I don't know who this girl is. "Hell yeah!" Atlas gets off the couch and to the floor.

Sitting in a circle Atlas and a couple more people place a bottle in the middle with a couple of shots. "Are you playing?" The girl asks me and I shake my head. I prefer to observe anyways.

She spins the bottle and it lands on Atlas, but instead she takes a shot. She is not here for the guys anyways.

"Ethan! Look, spin the bottle! Let's play! You too Catherine!" Indra screams. The blonde girl is Catherine. I seriously didn't expect her to be blonde. Maybe a redhead, but definitely not blonde. "Is it too late to join?" She asks as the three of them sit in the circle joining the game.

"Actually, I will play!" I say getting off the couch and joining the circle. I can feel Ethan's glare on me. He knows exactly what I am doing. The only reason I am joining is because of her.

"My turn!" Indra screams, clearly drunk. She spins the bottle and it lands on a boy with dyed blue hair and brown eyes. She picks up the shot instead. Well someone is loyal.

Ethan takes the bottle and spins it. His eyes light up when it lands on... Catherine? I would expect him to take a shot, but she crawls over to him and kisses him. I watch as Indra's face drops.

When he pulls back he looks over to her and says. "It's just a game, Indra." I can see pure rage run through her since he could have just taken a shot.

A few more people play. Atlas landed on a dude named, Justin. Let's just say Justin wishes he took a shot quicker.

It finally comes to my turn. I spin the bottle. I watch anxiously as the bottle goes round and round on the floor until it stops. I look up to see it has landed on her.

Surprisingly she doesn't bother taking a shot. Instead she crawls over to me and gives me a short kiss. When she pulls away, my lips follow her."It's just a game, Ethan." She smiles at him, sitting back down beside him.

I look over to Atlas, who is acting like a freaking out teenage girl. Ethan keeps on staring at me as if I told the bottle to land on her, but I shall thank the spin the bottle gods.

I look over to Indra and her face is full with pure disgust. She turns over to a random girl beside her and says "I need to bleach my mouth after this."

I am not going home sober tonight.



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