North + South Carolina- fusion:
They can fuse into an ultra-strong giant. However, both of them have to agree to fuse for it to work, and if they start arguing from within the giants mind, they start to de-fuse

Alabama- x-ray vision:
He can choose to see through any surface. People sure hope he uses his powers modestly.

New York- unlimited energy:
He doesn't need sleep (although he can if he wants to) and can do anything for hours and hours without loosing energy. He can also gift energy to others.

Ohio- hidden in plain sight:
He's there but you don't realize it, and he can do the same thing to other objects. So yeah, mega stealth man. Again, people sure hope he's using this power modestly

Massachusetts- fire and water resistant:
He can't drown or get burnt

Mississippi- (human) shapeshifter:
They can turn into anybody, as long as they know what they look like. However, they have to keep a picture of themselves on them at all times so they don't forget what they look like.

Iowa- projection:
He can make a ghost-projection-holographic version of his thoughts. He can do this to replay memories, scare the heck out of people, or 3D storyboard/blueprint something

Maine- siren song:
She's a hella good singer, and can lure anyone with her voice. She can also calm people/animals down with her singing

New Jersey- (object) shapeshifter:
He can turn into any object

Maryland- crab claws:
Can make her hands turn into crab claws

Arkansas- diamond:
He can turn into a Diamond dude and become basically indestructible

Pennsylvania- telekinesis:
She can float stuffs with her brain

Idaho- gopher:
He just goes into the ground, and then sprouts again in another area. It's basically teleportation but limited to only places he can get to by ground (meaning he couldn't teleport into a plane, or elevated space, like the second + floor of a building)

Indiana- super speed:
He go brrrrr

Arizona- cactus:
He grows spikes

Utah- power to draw everyone to one area:
Y'know that one bell in minecraft that are in the villages? If you ring it all of the villagers gather around? (This apparently doesn't exist but I will pretend it does just because I want to) Yeah, that's what he does, except he can choose who he wants to summon. The person he summons has no choice (kinda hypnosis-ish) but once they get there they can leave. Until he summons them again I guess

Wisconsin- healing cheese:
He can create cheese outa thin air that heals ya

Oregon- water:
He makes the water go wooo

Washington- nature:
He makes plants exist

Connecticut- food:
can make food appear out of nowhere

West Virginia- Age:
He can age things

Virginia- de-age:
She can de-age things

Vermont- sticky boi:
secretes sticky tar-like substance from skin that smells sweet

New Hampshire- rain power:
He makes rain start raining or stop raining

North + South Dakota- weird twin thing:
They are telepathic with each other, and are super agile and coordinated without even trying to be. They also feel each other's pain. They hate it, but it's useful

Tennessee- magical banjo:
He can control animals with his music

Missouri- confetti guns:
His hands are confetti guns. He does finger guns, and confetti shoots out. Hell yeah.

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