"Wow Nott, you're so thoughtful." Mace shot, then he looked at Ellie. "Smith."

"Hi." Ellie spoke, then Mace walked over to another part of the library.

"I can guarantee that he did not expect to see us here." Theo smirked.

"Could you say that any louder?" Ellie whispered.

"He's at the other side of the library. I doubt he could hear us if we screamed." Theo explained.

"Whatever. How much have you done?" Ellie asked.

"None." Theo said and Ellie rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"I forgot how entertaining you are." Ellie admitted.

"What can I say? Usually all the girls eat popcorn when they're watching me." Theo smirked.

"Are you sure it's not because they want to shag you?" Ellie queried.

"That could also be an option." Theo said with a smirk.

"Someone's cocky." Mace spoke as he walked over.

"What are you doing here Milburn?" Theo asked.

"I came to get a book. And to talk to Belle." Mace said.

"Who the bloody hell is Belle? Is that the librarian?" Theo asked Ellie.

"Well actually, that's what Mace calls me sometimes." Ellie admitted.

Theo just gave the two a look.

"So what did you need to talk about?" Ellie asked.

"Do you think you could tell Brandon that I'm going to be a little late today? I have detention." Mace exclaimed.

Ellie just pushed her hair at the back of her ear.

"Yeah sure." Ellie said, avoiding his gaze.

"Okay thank you. I'll see you later." Mace smirked and headed towards the librarian's desk to check out his book.

"What was that about?" Theo asked in a whisper.

"Nothing, he just told me to tell my brother something." Ellie whispered back. Then the two looked over and saw that he was heading out the door.

"Well Belle, he likes you." Theo teased.

"No he doesn't! I'm just a messenger." Ellie stated.

"Elenor Genevieve Smith! You're smart so stop lying to yourself. The boy likes you." Theo shot.

"How do you?" Ellie started to ask.

"Daphne told me." Theo said.

"You guys have been talking a lot." Ellie said.

"She's a good friend." Theo explained.

"She is." Ellie agreed.

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