It was strange seeing my boss acting like that. He usually was so strict and with a strong character. But he suddenly acted as if he was afraid of whoever came to see me, so I complied with the request without asking anything anymore.

When I went to the front of the shop, I saw plenty of people sitting with someone, drinking a coffee, having a slice of cake, or any other sweet that was sold there.

I walked through the narrowed aisles, taking a peek at every table, but there was not a single girl looking for me.

I was about to return back inside when I remembered that outside the establishment there were tables to sit at as well, so I went there to verify.

And there she was. As beautiful as ever.

On one of the tables, I saw this beautiful familiar girly face.

She had white shoes with white socks. She was wearing a white long-sleeve inside, and above it, a yellow dress full of scattered green flowers.

Her red hair was being brushed by the wind. Her light makeup made her look so innocent, but that crimson color on her lips made me think that she was fierce.

She was scrolling through her phone as she mindlessly played with one long strand of that red hair. When she noticed my presence, she stood up with a big pout and without wasting time came running in my direction.

"Han Jisung!!!"

She threw in my arms so hard that I stumbled back some steps. When I caught her, she hugged me so tight that I felt my sides getting numb. She looked so fragile but in reality, had amazing strength in those slender arms.

I hugged her back as well and lifted her face to see clearly those beautiful brown eyes, "Jinsu...Hwang Jinsu?"

She nodded with her little pout still on her lips, "you are so mean! You left me a note telling me that you would be coming to visit me. But you never came! I waited for you... You are a liar! You left me waiting! Why did you lie to me?! Why why why?!!"

I panicked when I saw how her eyes suddenly filled with water. The people that were entering the shop were looking at me with a frown.

If you looked at the scene, you could have sworn I was her bad boyfriend and that I was breaking up with her or something of the sort.

Since that scene could give a bad reputation to the coffee shop, I took my jacket off, the one with the logo of the store, and took Jinsu to one empty table.

I sat beside her and took both of her hands. "Jinsu...I'm sorry... I know I left that note, but...well," I cleared my throat, not wanting to bring sad memories, "I... I went through some things after that day I met you. I wanted to go and see you, but...well...I got a little bit busy... I'm really sorry..." I said while wiping her tears, "please, don't cry. I swear I wanted to visit never left my mind...I've been thinking about you too,"

She saw that I was being honest, and sincere, so, little by little her pout changed for one smile.

Jinsu wiped her remaining tears, "okay, I believe you," and said this while squeezing one of my hands.

She continued, "you know, it took me months to find you. How is it that you are so hard to find, huh? Why? Were you hiding from me, Jisung?!" Suddenly she started to scold me.

I chuckled at how she clicked her tongue in annoyance but still held my hand with so much tenderness that melted my cold heart.

I defended myself. "Well, is not that I was hiding from you at all. I was constantly out of the city. Perhaps changing from jobs every two months didn't help much either. But other than that, I swear I was not hiding from anyone and less from you, Jin-ssi..."

Love Never Existed - HyunsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang