Chapter Thirteen.

Start from the beginning


I skipped dinner. Felt sick again. Tris came in seeing if I was okay, then left minutes later.

Now everyone's asleep, and I have a bad feeling about this. Baby.

Being in that weird place where you're asleep, but you're awake. Like a zombie. They're there, but they're not all there.

"Sh." I heard faintly, then the crunch of feet. "She's moving." I rolled over, then realised I was moving. They were talking about me.

I shot up, and a hand smacked my mouth. Hands wrapped my wrists and more around my ankles.

One of my ankles, one at my wrists and another on my mouth. Three people altogether. Against me. I'll lose, I've never fought three people before.

They all lifted me off the bed, and I squirmed viciously in their grasp.

"Ow!" One said loudly when we reached near the Chasm. Great. They're going to chuck me and little Eric over.

Wait, are we near the Dauntless Leader corridor?

"Shut up! Someone might have heard!" Another voice snapped. We walked over the bridge and I waited to be thrown over.

It never happened.

They took me down various corridors, too many that I couldn't back track if I ever escape. Looks like getting lost is not on my side.

Nothing ever is nowadays.

They took me up the stairs, and we were on top of a building.

They all threw me to the ground.

"Ow!" I snapped, rubbing my arms and knees to dust of any pebbles. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I got to my feet.

I couldn't tell who they were, but what I knew was that we were on top of the building with the gaping big hole next to us as the entrance.


"You're hiding something." Peter said and pulled his mask off. "And we are all from Candor and not once have we seen you before the Choosing Ceremony."

The other two were Kai, and a girl I seen around, but didn't know personally. Renah was her name.

"And you think kidnapping me is the best way to do get the answers you're looking for?" I growled, fustrated.

"Yes. We are Dauntless, after all." Peter smiled. The smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Oh, yeah? So am I." I hissed, eyes going dangerously narrow. I am not going to get caught. Especially by him.

As I said the words, I ran over to him and we crashed to the ground. I kneed his parts as arms wrapped around my waist.

I threw my head and feet towards the other two. They let go and I landed with an omph. Scrambling to the side, I spot the hole at the bottom.

"Quick!" Peter yelled.

Just as I was about to jump, fingers wrapped around my ankle and pulled hard. My chin skimmed the wall, my head smacked the floor.

"Don't let her go!" Peter yelled, running over and pinned my shoulders down. He wrapped rope around my ankles and wrists.

I'm starting to think he is a bigger dick than Eric.

And to be honest, when I first met Eric, that's a lot.

"Tell me, what are you hiding?" Peter shot the same question after question.

I wasn't giving in to my fears. I'm not telling him shit.

"We better go soon, Peter." The girl shot me a disgusted look as Kai came up behind them with a blooded nose. It stained his shirt. I grinned at his pain.

"Yeah, Four will be doing our wake up call soon." Kai added, ignoring my grin and clear amusement.

Peter ignored both of his friends, and glared hotly at me. "I think somebody can forget doing their simulation today."

"What?" The girl confusedly shot Peter a look.

He smirked. "This one isn't going to go to their simulation. You don't turn up, you get no result. When you get no result, you get cut."

What? No!

"Let's go. No one shouldn't be up here. Dauntless Leaders are filling out who's going to get cut today." Peter gave me an evil look before falling through the hole.

"Good luck getting out of the ropes! You'll need it!" The girl called over her shoulder.

Yeah, I thought glumly. I'm going to need it.

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